Fourth Loop

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And now for something different...

     The cave was quiet. The bunny could feel its fur tingle from the silent echoes of every step it took. Its arms brushed through the heavy and murky mist. The bunny scrunched its little boopable nose. When the hell did it become anthropomorphic? It shook its head in annoyance. Whatever. Matters not anymore. All that mattered now was the danger that lurked within these caverns...

     The bunny struggled to see, for the only light was that of the occasional torch that lit these lifeless walls. Well, given that there were torches in the first place, life had to be somewhere right? Someone had been here before...

     Suddenly, it could feel a shadow swoop from above and immediately drew its sword to the clash of another's metal. The sparks revealed his stalker, for only a brief moment. It was a bat! But like the bunny, the bat was anthropomorphic. His beady eyes looked that of a crazed mad... bat. A mad bat-man. Like it had rabies or something! It's massive pig nose only made him all the more... intimidating? No. that wasn't the word. Who the bloody hell would be intimidated by-

      "Pay attention!" the bat called out as he swung his blade once more to the bunny's left shoulder. The bunny snapped out of it and immediately parried the blade away, sending another flash of sparks. Using the momentum of its swing, the bunny continued with the motion, spinning a full circle to attempt to slash at the bat while it lost its balance. The bat saw what was happening and dropped to the floor, dodging the bunny's blade. It somersaulted backwards and stood back on its feet and jumping forward to rush at bunny once again.

     Both combatants ready for the other, began to clash their swords again and again, neither letting the other gain any ground. Sparks repeatedly lit the musky cavern and orchestrated it with a traditional song of blades.

      Suddenly the bunny, taking advantage of the high ceiling, hopped high into the air and threw its blade straight down to the bat. The bat was caught by total surprise, and would have surely died had he not been fast enough to knock the blade away just in time. In that split second, the bunny had reached the ceiling and pushed itself down to speed back down to the ground.

     The bat, knowing he hadn't enough momentum to swing his sword again in time, turned in place and managed to kick the bunny right in the gut, just before the bunny could hit the ground. The bunny could feel its bones cry out as they hit the wall.

     "It's over." the bat grinned as he raised his sword. "THIS STORY SHALL NOW BE AN EDGEFEST OF ANGST! I SHALL BE THE MAIN CHARACTER NO-"

     Suddenly, the bat felt himself choke on his words. His air had suddenly and painfully cut short, and there was a VERY sharp pain in his chest. He looked down and found a sword there, being held by none other than the bunny.

     "And this," the bunny smirked, "is why villain monologues make no fucking sense."

     The bunny then kicked the bat off its blade and sent blood gushing from the bat's chest cavity. The bunny sighed as he found himself very irritated by all the blood he'd have to clean off his weapon. As it walked away, he could hear the bat laughing.

     "I'll be back!" The bat laughed maniacally. "You'll see! I'll come back and get my revenge! I will become the new main character, and EVERYTHING SHALL BE AS EDGY AS I PLEASE!"

     "You have a hole in your chest! You are about to die!" the bunny called back, not bothering to look back.

     "No I won't!" the bat coughed back. 

     "How?" The bunny yawned as it continued to walk away to the exit.

     "Through plot convenience, and the author's laziness!" The bat laughed as his voice began to fade.

     The bunny face-palmed (or... in this case he supposed it would be face-pawed) and immediately ran back, only to find a massive pool of blood, but no body. The bunny shook its head and quietly cursed to itself, "Goddamned plot convenience..."

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