Third Loop

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    Oh! What wonderful luck! Just as the dying grape feared the worst, he suddenly found himself turned into an adorable bunny with steel gray fur speckled with milk white spots. Who could have come to the bunny's rescue at such a perfect moment?

    "Hello!" A midget wizard bowed. "My name is Jesus Es Majina! I've come to sa-"

    "Wait wait wait wait.. da fuq?"

    "¿Qué? What is wrong mi-"

    "Not you, you Mucha Lucha reject!" The bunny snapped.

    The midget wizard shed a tear, for that hurt his inner soul….

    "I mean you!" The bunny pointed an accusatory paw at the sky. "What are you doing you wannabe writer??"

    The author raised a confused eyebrow. What could he ever be talking about?

    "I'm talking about- here. Answer this. How far ahead had you thought about the story before writing in the sexy speaking midgician?"

    The midget magician blushed and flickered his eyes who's eyelashes were oddly long…

    The author pondered this question. He supposed not long after deciding to publish the-

    "That's it! Too much forward thinking!" The bunny declared. "This is supposed to be your FREE SPACE! Exercise your mind! Don't think! Write! This is why you shouldn't have published this damn thing! Look at you! Plotting and planning ahead… you've already done that for at least six other stories you've NEVER put into paper or completed?

   The author reluctantly thought about what the bunny said. He made a solid point, but he wished it wasn't so.

    "That's why gotta stop planning! Let loose! Get messy!!!!"

   The author noted that was a Magic School Bus reference.

    "Perfect! Who cares what we reference! This is FREEDOM! Who NEEDS planning???"

    The Bunny somehow leapt off the page and bitch slapped the fuck out of the author.









    The author didn't know how he was still typing this despite having a sentient bunny hop out of a story and bitch-slapping his face as he did so. So don't ask how. He doesn't know either.

    Hopping back into the story, the bunny smiled as the gears began to turn in the author's head. He realized how limited he was before. Why plan? He had other stories for that! This was… this was…  Brainstorm!

    "There we go!" The bunny cheered as the author changed the title to 'Brainstorm!'. "That's what I'm talking about! Free your mind! Let loose to your very first thoughts!"

    The author then checked off the mature tab in the stories settings, for he had a feeling this could get out of hand very quickly. He then remembered the magician, who was sitting in a corner looking bored.

    The author pondered on what to do with the magician…

    "Aw fuck him!" The bunny shrugged. "Who cares?"

    The author raised an eyebrow, shrugged, and got to work writing this story.

    As he did so, the bunny looked at the short magician with longing eyes. With a quivering lip, the bunny asked, "Wait, longing eyes, quivering lip? Why am I-"

    The magician looked back, heart hammering against his chest. "I thought you would never return my act of love with such fiery passion, mi amor!" He said, walking very slowly to the bunny.

    "Waiiiit!" The bunny called out as he locked his paws with the magician's passionate, but very deformed hands. Their faces were but inches from each other's fuzzy lips. "This isn't what I meant!"

    "Too late mi hot mama!" The magician said with a devilish smile. "Now, enjoy my embrace!"


To be continued…

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