First Loop

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    A cute bunny sat in the empty space that was his existence. The world was anything but. His world didn’t exist. There was nothing, nothing but empty space. He was alone. Just him with his soft and short speckled gray on white fur.  He had a very boopable nose. His ears flopped to and fro. Well, they did when he moved. Moved in the middle of literal nowhere. Don't ask how he does it, he just does. Suddenly, he’s looking at the author, very annoyed.

    “Hey writer!” he calls. “What the bloody hell? You gonna write a story about me or what?!?! Oh. Very classy. Multiple question marks and exclamation marks? What is this, a comic book? An anime? Get outta here with that garbage! Hey! Are you censoring me?”

     The author scoffed at such an accusation. What? Censoring him? Why would anyone-

    “OH don’t give me that. You know darn well that I want to say darn, heck, flapjack- oh come on now. FLAPJACK? I oughtta-”

    Shutting him up, the author began to think this story may turn out better without the existence of this character. Would he would agree?

    The bunny scrunched up its nose in defeat and stopped talking. Much better. Unsure what he wanted the story to be quite yet, he decided to place him in a green field. The land was beautiful and the bunny nodded its head in agreement. The grass was quite tall and bright green. The hills were grand, the skies were sugar candy blue with cotton white clouds lulling peacefully by.

   “I’m in Green Hill Zone.” the bunny said. “You are literally describing Green Hill zone.”

    The bunny looked at it’s writer with skeptical eyes.

    “Skeptical eye? How the heck do my eyes look skeptical? I’m a bunny! You know what, enough with the bunny stuff, why was I a bunny to begin with? Let’s do something else. Turn me into… something dignifying! Like a majestic as hell horse!”

    The Writer raised a curious eyebrow at the suggestion. The bunny… wanted to be a horse? The author, wanting to spite the bunny, chose to do... something else. With a poof and a puff, a sparkling Cloud engulfed the bunny with his fork and knife… or tried to. The bunny turned into a grape, rolled off Cloud’s plate, off the table and away into the distance as fast as he could.

     “What the bloody orange Writer? That’s not what people think when they read ‘a sparkling cloud engulfed the bunny!’”

    The author simply chuckled and let the grape know that that’s what readers will think of now. Thinking to himself, the author began to ponder if it may be time to write an actual story, or perhaps typeout that plan to begin a group project in Narrative Chronicles.

    “Don’t you dare leave me here like this!” the grape protested. “Get this stupid weeb off of me already!”

    The writer hadn’t thought the swordsman would decide to chase the grape, but apparently that was exactly what Cloud was doing. Oops.

   Cloud suddenly felt the urge to stop chasing the grape, and never eat a single plant again. But what did that make him he wondered. A meatitarian? Carnetarian? Yes, Autocorrect seemed to recognize Carnetarian as a word, therefore, that must be the correct word. So Cloud walked off into the distance, never to bother the grape again. However, he also wound up dying from starvation, for the writer failed to place any wildlife in this particular world. He died hungry, alone, and having no idea why he existed in the first place…

    “Geez, depressing note to end the story on, don’t ya think?” the grape wondered. The author no longer felt like dealing with the grape’s sass, and tossed him into a lake. The grape was very grateful that there were no wildlife in this world, at least, the grape should be.

To be continued...

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