Second Loop

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    In the middle of a green field, rests a happy and content little grape. This grape was happy with life. Nothing was wrong. The weather was pleasant. Just warm enough to make one feel a little toasty, but with a delicate and steady stream of wind to compliment it like scrumptious food complimenting a fine  wine.

    The grape gave its author a suspicious gander. What was he doing here? There's nothing going on. Why was he… waiiiit one darned second.

    "No." The grape protested. "You're here because a story is about to happen! And if a story is about to happen, then that means conflict is about to happen! And if conflict is about to happen, then that means my life is about to be a living hell!"

    The author took offense to this. How could the grape make such rash accusations? Even though the accusations were one hundred percent fair and accurate, he could have at least sugar coated such hurtful words. The author may need a bubble bath to wash away his wounds from such a heartless attack.

    "Wha- you're hurt? You turned me into a freaking grape last chapter you piece of-"

    Now, now! We can't be allowing such harsh language in a story such as this if the author is going to make lots of money off of this. One must think of the children when writing such a piece!

    The grape looked at him very judgmentally. Don't ask how a grape can look at someone, much less judgmentally, but it did. It then said "You're on Wattpad. You're basically a discount Instagram influencer, minus the fans, minus the skill to make something anyone cares about, minus looking half decent, minus the ability to make money off it, minus the self-discipline, minus the-"

    Fed up with the grape, the author stopped writing about the negative Nancy and focused on the grape's setting, which was now on fire. The grass quickly became dead and charred, flames danced in trees where leaves once stood, and the sky grew dark from the ashes and radiated in the flames' lethal aura.


    The grape rolled through the now burning fields in desperation. What foul being could have set fire to his precious and peaceful home?

    "You did, you terrible person!" The grape cried in an infuriated rage. He continued to try to escape, but alas, it was no use! He was drying up, turning into a raisin. He was doomed. Destined to die, with no chance of being saved whatsoever in the next chapter. Oh the horror! What a terrible way for this grape's tale to end…

The grape, feeling the life bleed out of him as he driend into a toasted raisin, croaked to the sky mysterious sky, "You are so full of-"

To be continued...

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