Loki- Little Sonnet

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Loki-Little Sonnet
Requested by: @kalemuffin
* 103K reads!? I never thought I would even get past 1K, now here we are! Thank you so much for all of the support and actually taking the time to read my book!, anyways, enough of me.. Enjoy the story!*

You never knew that you would find true love, especially with that of a professor. At the time you didn't know he was one, but you can remember it to the very T of the memory.

You came to university hoping to become an engineer. Your parents didn't support your career decisions but there are so many men doing engineering in your hometown, that you wanted to prove yourself that you could one up to them and show them what you can really do.

You were incredibly smart, and would always work and finish your homework for hours on end in the courtyard on nice days, and studying in the library, on rainy ones.

One day you came to the University just so that you could finish up some early work.

Yes you heard that correctly 'early work.'
You either get the work done on time or done a week prior.

You were very dedicated and had your schedule planned for a weeks worth of homework.

You step into the historical building, and always become attached to the polished hickory wooden panelling that runs along the walls and ceiling.

You were prepared to study for your big English exam coming up.

You're usually pretty confident when it comes to testing. However, unlike your other exams being an oral exam, and your crippling anxiety, your confidence seemed to drop drastically.

You see, this course was done online, so you never really had to speak in front, or be around anyone, but listen to someone give a boring lecture on your laptop in front of you.

You were so lost in thought that you didn't realize that you were already in the library.

For this exam you had to memorize Shakespeare's famous writing Sonnet 18, and read it in front of a professor.

You gulped, slightly overwhelmed by the large library.

'I thought I was doing engineering, what does Shakespeare have to do with any of it?'

You see, your teachers from high school we're very impressed by your writing and reading skills, that they begged you to take as many english courses as you could.

You search around looking for an itinerary, when you come across the map.

"Hello Miss, is there anything you're looking for?" You bring your head up to see what would be your stereotypical librarian.

Old, white-ish, grey hair, thin and mouse-like voice, with small reading glasses rested on the bridge of her nose.

"Y-yes I'm just looking for Sonnet 18, but if you don't have it that's alright I can just look it up on my ph-." I ramble nervously.

"Shhh dear, it's alright, we have a variety of Shakespeare's works in section F of Poetry and literature." She said.

"Thank you very much." She nods, and you make your way to the very back of the library.

"Section F-F-F." You skim your finger across the book case until your eye catches an old book.

'The Sonnets of Shakespeare.'

You take it out of the slot as dust flies and contaminates the air.

You cough, inhaling the storm of dust.

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