Loki-Agent 666 Part 1

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*so this imagine will be split into three parts! And they do change back and Forth from Third to first Pov once or twice because I became I can't seem to make up my mind ha! ! Sorry if it's confusing! Hope you enjoy!

Agent 666:

For as long as you know of, you have been working for S.H.E.I.L.D, you have been brought up by Nick Fury after your parents abandoned you at a very young age. They took one look at you and threw you away like you were  a piece of  trash. But there was something different about you compared to the other agents, you were very quiet, but you had a  flaming personality, literally. If someone were to make you frustrated, angry, or stressed out, your whole body would heat up from the inside and then extend to the outside. It is extremely painful and you have many burn scars from it permanently imprinted on your skin. So you try to stay quiet, and calm yourself down before you could seriously hurt yourself.

All of a sudden out the corner of your eye you see Thor talking to Fury.

Fury makes eye contact with you and motions you to come over.

You stare at him in confusion.

"Agent L/N, come over here. It is urgent." He demands. And you walk over shyly, seriously intimidated by the two much taller figures than you.

"Yes sir?" You ask.

"I need you to escort Thor to Asgard, he insists that you talk some sense into his brother Loki, he's, having... issues."

Quick change to MC's POV:

I roll my eyes, great, I have to deal with that asshole.

When we had him held captive on the ship a couple years ago, I was asked to guard his cell. And all he did was insult me. To the point where my insides were burning but not externally. But he could see that my face and whole body would turn red.

"Ha, they should call you Agent 666!"
"What a freak!"
"Are you getting all fired up demon?"

God I can just picture his smug grin, oh how I would like to slap it off.

"Lady Y/N? Are you alright?" I hear Thor's booming yet gentle voice ask.

"Y-yes I'm fine." I silently mutter underneath my breath.

Thor stares at me in disapproval and we walk out to the tarmac of the ship. Thor swings his hammer as I feel a gust of wind circle above us. He grabs my waist as we fly into the sky.

*In Asgard*

"Lady y/n, would you like me to escort you to the dungeons?" Thor asks.

I shake my head.

"I think I will be okay. Thank You Thor." I nod in politeness as I head down to the dungeons.

Let all hell break loose.

I'm now down in the dungeons where I see the glass cells, I glance over to look to see what torturous villains were down here, but it was empty, all except for one cell.

I take a short glance at the cell and see green and gold, with slicked black locks. Who could it be I wonder?

None other than Loki.

The name just makes me want to burn up right now.

I feel the flame inside me flicker but I calm it down with a breath.
I walk even closer to the cell but then I could feel the gravity give away and my body came in contact with the hard cobblestone floor.

"Shit." I mutter underneath my breath.

All of a sudden I hear a familiar voice .

"Who is here? Show yourself quim." Loki.

Tom Hiddleston x reader Imagines/ One shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang