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*As if Tom reading isn't already enough, this is just...😍*

It was time for your last exam of your high school career. But the worst part about it was..

It's math.

You never understood why the school curriculum didn't teach you all the basic necessities that you will need to use for the future; Like paying taxes and bills. But no, they decided to teach you of how to solve for x.

Who the hell thought that adding letters into number equations would make anyone interested in learning!?

You stare blankly at the page in front of you.

1.solve for x
27y+34x =36x

'Oh my god' you thought, staring at the page.

—-hours later—-

You're still in the same position as you were before. But you finally got fed up and threw all of your papers everywhere.

You put your head in your hands, as the tears began to pour down your face.

You just accept the fact that you're going to fail.

"Y/n? Are you here?"

'Shit it's Tom' you thought.

Wasn't he supposed to be away in Australia for another 2 weeks?

"Y/n love please answer me, I'm worried."

"I-in here Tom." You meekly say.

He follows your voice, opening up your bedroom door, to find all your papers sprawled everywhere.

"What's happened in here? It look like a textbook exploded."

"More like my brain exploded."

"What is that supposed to mean?."

"You know what? It's nothing, just forget it, I just need help picking these up."

You got up and picked up the strayed sheets of bullshit.

But you felt a hand on your shoulder.

"Darling, what's wrong? You've been crying."

"What? No I haven't that's ridiculous T-."

He rests his hand on your shoulder, glaring at you in the eyes.

"Y/n don't lie to me."

You rolled your eyes,turning around and sitting back on your bed with the papers in your hands. You put them down as you lay back on your bed.

"What is this?... Exam prep. Y/n do you have an exam that you should be studying for?." He asks.

"No it's just some random sheet that the teacher gave us for no reason. Of course I have a fucking exam to study for!"

"Woah, touchy, you never snap at me, what is going on?" He comfortingly touches your arm, but you brush him off.

"Just leave me alone okay?" He nods, not arguing with you any further.

You watch him as he gets up slowly, walking out of the room without even taking a glance at you.

You stared blankly at the wall.

You just kicked out your only true friend, and you yelled at him to. There is no way he's going to like you after this.

You turned the other way and screamed loudly into your pillow. Luckily the pillow cancelled out making it sound less audible.

You felt the warm burning tears fall down your face like a lava waterfall.

"Y/n, I have to g-, oh my gosh darling, what's wrong?." He says running to your side.

"You shouldn't be talking to me." You said.

"Why in heavens not?" He says offended.

"Because I kicked you out and yelled at you, I'm such a horrible friend."

"Hey, shut up, you're a wonderful friend, what's bothering you? I know you get emotional when something is bothering you."

"It's my math exam!" You explode.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"I don't seem to have a problem with anything else, but when you start bringing letters into equations, I get so confused and worked up, oh my god, I'm screwed, I don't think I can do this ." You start to panic.

"Hey you aren't screwed, you are very capable of doing this tiny little math problem."

"Ugh Tom, just go away, you distract me whenever you're here!."

Whoops did you just say that?

"Oh so I'm a distraction huh? That's what you take me for?"

"No, I didn't mean it like that." Your face burns up.

"It's alright darling, I know you're stressed.
Calm down, you're getting flustered."

"I can't help it! You know how I am Tom! I've always struggled with Math, but now that there are freaking letters in the problem, ugh this is stupid! I'm just stu-."

"Don't you dare." Tom threatens you with a death glare.

"How dare such a beautiful and smart young woman think so lowly of herself?"

"Well you know women are much harder on themselves than men."

"Yes I do know that. But why do you have to be a part of that percentage?"

"Because... I don't know." You look down at your lap.

"Hey, it's going to be alright, I can help you, and you're going to ace this exam."

"Well I'm not so sure about that, I've never been all that great at math, you know that."

"I'll be honest with you darling, I never really was that good at math either."

"R-really? The incredible, smart, genius Tom Hiddleston bad at math? I don't believe it."

"Well you better believe it." He says.

- - -

Tom guided you through the problem, it may have taken a little while but you both seemed to figure it out together.

"See what I said? You're definitely going to ace it now!" Tom says excitedly.

You smile at him.

"You should wear that smile more often, it suits you."

"You should tutor me more often, you're pretty good at it."

Tom smirks cheekily.

"It would be my pleasure.."

Tom Hiddleston x reader Imagines/ One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now