Thomas Sharpe-Childhood Memories

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A/n What!!!!?? Over 5K READS! This is insane! Thank you so much to everyone who has been reading my Imagines/one-shots! I appreciate it! Alright I'll stop talking now. Ha!

"Mommy mommy, you'll never guess what I just found!?" 7 year old you said excitedly as you burst through the door of your home.

"What ever it is darling it will have to wait mumma is busy."

Your mother said covered in flour as she was kneading some dough.

She must be making bread.

"Oh but it's great news!!!" You whine.

"Quiet down y/n you aren't talking to the whole world, there's no one here besides us and the Miller's next door."

You and a boy your age next door were the only people who lived in your neighbourhood. Until now after your little bike trip to the store.

"Yes, but that's the thing, I found a large house just a ways down the road. It's kind of creepy looking, has a huge gate that reads Allerdale Hall. I think there is someone else living here."

"What did you just say?" Your mother glared at you, taking a step closer.

"There is someone else living here?"

"No! The na- the name of the place."

"Allerdale Hall?"

All of a sudden your mother grabbed your tiny wrist with her sandpaper hands and dragged you up the stairs.

"Mumma, what are you doing? You're hurting me.."

"Shut up and get in your room child." She says standing you up and pushing you into your bedroom. You stumble in and land on your back.

Groaning, your mother glares at you.

"Don't you ever speak of that place in my house ever again, and if I hear about or see of your presence even stepping 10 feet close to that house, you will be punished. Do I make myself clear?" She threatens.

"Yes mumma." You mutter. And she slams the door.

You crawl to your bed and you bury yourself in your sheets.

That was the first time your mother ever inflicted harm onto you ever, and it only seemed to be because of you mentioning 'Allerdale Hall'

What's the harm in that?

-5 years later-

You awoke to the sun peaking through the very silk of your curtains, the only fine source of material in the house.

You see, your dad left you and your mother when you were only two, and he took your older brother Phillip with him.

And since then all your mother ever has been was bitter, and very strict.

But when your dad left, he took all the money, leaving you with the only enough to buy food to keep you both sustained.

He wasn't that heartless.

However, instead of buying food with that money, your mother decided to work for a bakery and bake for them, and you would deliver the bread to the people that ordered them. And the money she earned would go towards the survival of you both.

However, lately payments were becoming more cheaper by the minute. And it was harder and harder for you both to earn money.

Some days you even as so dig around the corners of alleys or cracks in the road to find even just the smallest of coins.

Tom Hiddleston x reader Imagines/ One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now