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*For a girl who wears glasses, I decided to write another imagine related to that! Also, while browsing through my Pinterest feed, this picture came up and inspired me to come up with an idea in 30 seconds So, hopefully you will enjoy it!*

*Warning: Sexual Content*

You stand in the bathroom and you stare into the mirror, all done up and ready for a cast party that you and Tom were invited to. You lean in super close to the mirror as you smile, feeling successful about the makeup job you gave yourself.

Sighing, you walk out to your full length mirror in your shared bedroom.

You squint your eyes trying to make out what is in the reflection in front of you. It is all a blur from a distance. So you step up super close, and see the f/c dress.
'Fits just right.' You thought.

Then your mind trailed off as you realized that you would have to wear your glasses.

You would fall all over the place without them...

'But they are so unflattering! I would look like a freak show compared to Tom's fellow actors!' You panic.

You walk up to your night stand where your glasses sit.

You needed to wear them because you were blind as fuck.

You've never worn your glasses to any event or outing with Tom, but it's fairly easy to hide the fact that you can't see because you are always close enough to each other so he is basically guiding you around.

The only time you wear them are on your lazy days when you don't have to do anything.

Those are your 'Don't care how I look' days.

You can tell that Tom is catching on to your routine a bit, but he doesn't feel the need to pry into your business. What a kind man.

But maybe you can get away with it for just one more night.

Your thoughts were interrupted by a voice.

"Y/n! It's time to go darling! Everyone will be waiting for our arrival!" You blush.

"Coming!" You say, putting on heels and stumbling out of the bedroom.

Tom stares at you in awe.

"Wow, you're breathtaking..." he speaks.

If only you could see him from that distance.

"And you are very handsome, as always." You blurt out. Walking towards the front door.

You see him smile as he presses a hand to the small of your back. As you open the door and step out.

"So Ben said that he wanted to come pick us up, is that alright darling?"

"Of course! I love Ben! We're like best buds!" Tom laughs at your excitement.

All of sudden Tom's phone starts to vibrate in his pocket, as he picks it up.

"Yes, we're waiting at the apartment." He pauses.

"You went to the other side of the city?! Ben!" He laughs, facepalming himself.

"No worries bud, we can wait a bit longer."

All of a sudden you see Tom turn bright red.

"You cheeky boy, stop that!"

You laugh not having a single clue what they were talking about.

"Okay, see you then. Bye." He hangs up.

Tom Hiddleston x reader Imagines/ One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now