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Living in a hundred acre of the forest was a great part of living my past with my mom and my younger sister. In a small cottage, mom was doing her wash and Dianea was studying for she was just a homeschooler. I left my finished house chores and went to Fotham University. It took a mile to reached to a high-quality university where you will meet mischievous jocks, fussy cheerleaders, brainy nerds, and party doers. I called myself an average man. Strode into a busy crowd, I bumped a dainty girl and she smashed her bums on the floor. I was panicked, a bucket of sweat as what you imagined has flowed out of my skin. She lifted her head and removed the strands of her wood-brown hair from her face. Her olive-green eyes glisten when she hold a stare on me. Another bucket of sweat plus H2O has flowed again. I think she might kill me or slapped me but instead, she smirked and got up. "I'm sorry." I apologized.
The girl patted my shoulder while tiptoed, "No problem, that's just an excitement you have."
"I'm Edouard Silvester." I reached out my hand to her. She clasped it with hers and said "Orpana".

No surname? That's weird. She released her soft little hand from my big rough one. As I looked at her heart-shaped face, I noticed a mark on her left cheek that formed a familiar letter 'E'.

"Edouard, I have to go." She excused herself and walked away. At one glance, she faded. I turned around and went to my classroom with curiosity.

I landed on my old-fashioned bed and remembered my childhood past that I saw an unusual tree in the middle of the forest. I went over it and engraved a blurred letter on the bark. Rushing towards to mom without any reason and sat on a hundred years old wooden chair while looking at the bottle that was written as "BLOOD".

"Mom, what was the story about the unusual tree in the forest?"

She paused and folded her arms. "That tree was a million years old and it's very horrible. When my great-grandfather saw a beautiful woman out of that tree, he wanted to marry her but she told her that she will marry his fifth generational son. Because of his anger, he pierced the trunk's side with his iron ax." She said then asked, "What makes you curious about that faery tree, Edouard?"

"Nothing, mom." I lied, flipping my hair to the side of the temple. Hopping off from the chair and went out.

Walking into the forest alone isn't very easy. I encountered sharp heartbeats and goosebumps. A familiar tree had shown nearby. Moving more steps closer to reach the tree. The TREE was surrounded by a kilometer of pine trees. I heard some noises of steps coming behind me. I turned around and saw nothing. A massive boo! the sound rang into my ears and jolted in fear. I swung my head back to the TREE and saw a similar girl from the school.

"Hey! How did you get here?" I asked,

"You wanna know?" She smirked like this morning. "I lived here before you were born."

Her eyes glowed into fluorescent green when the clouds covered the whole sky. "Edouard, I'm the Nymph of this tree." When everything suddenly vanished, her bright eyes went back to its normal color. "So what do you want?"

"Nothing." I blurted as if I was shocked. "What makes you a nymph?"

"A generational curse, let me explain, I was born as a normal person like you but my mom tried to dispose of me so she performed something to curse me." She smiled like she'd seen a cotton candy. "I will be set free if you do just one thing I want you to."


"To kill your mother."

"Are you kidding me? My mom is the only parent I have left." She stepped forward, raising her eyebrow in disgust. "Believe me or not, your mom is trying to kill me." She said in pity.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2019 ⏰

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