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SHE GAVE A relieved smile, glad it was him and not his parents. He stood there in shock. "She shouldn't be here." He thought, shaking his head and moving to the side to get into his house. "Don't ignore me, please. I want to talk. That's all." Her voice croaked out, holding his wrist delicately in her soft grip. Hyunjin's brown eyes flickered over her hand and then moved to her face. Pure concern written all over it. He shouldn't do this. But he had to. She needed to stop trying to talk to him. To stop wanting to feel pity. He took slow steps down the stairs, removing her hand, taking her wrist into his own and dragging her to a drier part of his house.

They stood under the roof of his house, in the backyard. He stared at her, running a hand through his wet hair. "Please, Kiyomi. Don't try to help me." He breathed heavily, feeling the rain get harsher. Kiyomi looked at him in disbelief. "What do you mean? You're literally getting hurt!" Hyunjin covered her mouth with his hand, his eyes meeting hers as his low voice spoke: "Don't talk so loud. They're home. Plus, I don't want your pity or sympathy. Just leave me to be." She removed his hand, taking a step back while she scoffed. She shook her head vigorously, "I can't let you get hurt. Not when I know about the truth. I'm not leaving you. Not like this."

"I never wanted you to know the truth. Don't you think there's a reason I haven't mentioned it to my closest friends?" He harshly whispered, his voice was becoming strained and painful. "Yah—" Her voice was cut of when the sound of thunder had struck throughout the air. Hyunjin watched her body shake with complete shock. But the thing was, she wasn't just scared of it. Despite the dark sky, he could see the trauma in her eyes. Kiyomi immediately pushed herself in a corner of the backyard, covering her head with the shade of the roof.

"Kiyomi?" Hyunjin's voice sounded, slowly becoming worried. She ducked her head in between her knees, covering her ears with her hands. "I-I-I have a-a p-phobia o-of t-thunder." Her voice cracked, quickly turning into a sob. He widened his eyes, realizing that thunder seem to trigger her in the worst way. "Do you take medicine for this?" He asked gently, bending down on the floor, near her convulsing figure. She stiffly shook her head, "I-I j-just need t-to be c-calm." The boy's mind raced. What should he do? How could he calm the crying girl down?

Without too much thought, more by instinct, he put his arms around her, bringing her into a hug. Kiyomi opened her eyes, her vision blurred by her tears. However, she could see the fabric of his white shirt. She felt him pat her head gently, chin resting on her head. Her small hands fisted his shirt up into a ball as her body continued to shake. The thunder simultaneously had gotten harder and somehow louder. Hyunjin's heart broke a little more when he heard a full sob escape her throat. He pulled away, lifting her chin up with the pad of his thumb. Her torn expression had crushed his heart completely.

He wiped her tears away with his damp hand, taking off the jacket he wore and putting it over her. Although he was cold and goosebumps had instantly started to cover his skin, it didn't matter. This mattered a lot more. Another rumble from the thunder had occurred, making Kiyomi cry even more. Hyunjin looked at her softly, one idea coming to his mind. It was stupid and it may ruin some things for him. But all he could think in that moment was: "Fuck it."

He brought his head closer, nearing his face with her. Through her teary eyes, Kiyomi wondered what he was doing. His warm lips hovered close to her own pink ones. His gaze was indescribable if not mysterious. There was so much going on those the brown pupils. He pressed his lips onto hers, bringing his hands to her cheeks. His body only had a little amount of heat, but whatever he was doing right now... had heat surging through him. Kiyomi's eyes enlarged, closing as a reflex. In that moment, if she had a straight mind, she would curse her heart and hormones for kissing him back, because the taste of strawberry lingered on her lips and grape on his.

The two of them pulled away slowly, the silence coming in as the thunder had stopped. Kiyomi and Hyunjin realized what just happened. He noticed she was calm yet now transitioning to a stage of shock and realization. The two had just kissed. And there was no taking that back.

• • •

Kiyomi could barely make eye contact with the male as she entered her homeroom. She took her seat silently, making Felix curious. Because the last time he saw her, she was going to Hyunjin's house to talk to him. Did it not go well? Did something bad happen? He couldn't ask then, because then Hyunjin would know that she told someone else.

The bell soon rung for a ten minute break after the first period had finished. Felix pulled her aside and Eunbin did the same with Hyunjin. "What happened? I thought you went to talk? Now you're quiet and not even trying to talk to him." Kiyomi rested her cheek in her hand, a sigh coming from her lips. She shrugged lightly, wondering how on earth she was going to explain herself. "I-I don't know. Can I explain it after school? With you, Chan and Jeongin. I don't think it's best to say it here." Felix nodded slowly, trying to open a new conversation.

On the other side of the room, Eunbin had taken Hyunjin with her. "What?" He said dryly, his eyes quickly trailing to Kiyomi"s figure, although he could only see her back, he felt nervous. Eunbin followed his gaze, shaking her head discreetly. "Forget about her, Hyunjin." He turned head to her, cocking his brow at her. "What?" He repeated, narrowing his eyes in confusion. "You like her, don't you? But she doesn't care about you."

Hyunjin shook his head, his voice almost humorous as he chuckled: "You're wrong, Eunbin. She cares. I know she does."

But I don't want her to. Because caring will only end up in her getting hurt.

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