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"YOU'RE WHAT?!" THE GROUP of seven boys exclaimed, eyes bulging out of their sockets

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"YOU'RE WHAT?!" THE GROUP of seven boys exclaimed, eyes bulging out of their sockets.

"We're dating. Now be quiet. We don't need everyone to know." Kiyomi hissed while Hyunjin chuckled. The group looked at the male in awe. It had been a long time since they had seen him smile. So long that they hadn't realized the missed it. Jisung wiped an imaginary tear dramatically: "Never thought I'd see the day when he would smile again." Hyunjin rolled his eyes, hitting him playfully. "Yah. Stop."

The group laughed quietly to themselves, content with the happy atmosphere surrounding them. Besides, there was no one to ruin it now, right? They teased the two loudly, gathering some students' attention. Eunbin walked towards the group who were seated in the couple's homeroom. She folded her arms, look at them with narrowed eyes. "Are you two perhaps... dating?" She sighed out the final word she dreaded. Kiyomi opened her mouth but no words came out. It wasn't long ago when the girl confronted her and she said herself that she didn't like Hyunjin. In this case, she was almost hypocritical.

Hyunjin stretched his arm out, ruffling Kiyomi's brown hair. "We are." He smiled widely. Eunbin looked at him in disbelief. He was grinning. From ear to ear. He was happy. More than he ever was with her. Well, obviously because it wasn't real. It was one-sided. She took a step closer to Kiyomi, her voice low as she muttered under her breath: "I'll be keeping an eye on you from now on. I will jump at any chance to ruin this. Remember that." Wasn't she already keeping an eye on me? Kiyomi thought, watching her walk away and out of the class. Hyunjin mended his brows together in confusion. Woojin opened his mouth to speak: "What just happened?" She shook her head, "Nothing. Forget about it." She waved her hand, dismissing what happened.

• • •

"Whoa... this feels nice!" Kiyomi sighed out happily, feeling the breeze run past her. The sun was just setting as the blue sky had turned into a orangey pink. Hyunjin cocked his head to the side, watching her quietly. If it makes you happy, then I'm glad. He thought, smiling to himself like a fool. "I chose the park so you wouldn't get bored of the convenience store." He told her, looking at the sky. The girl moved her eyes over to him. "Me? Bored of all that food in there? You ought to know me better, Hyunjinnie." Would he be crazy to say that his heart fluttered when he heard that nickname? It was stupid because he had heard many people call him that. But when she said it with her voice, it had a different meaning entirely. A sense of care and love found in it.

"Hmm... I should get to know you more. I guess you stole my heart too fast." Hyunjin sent a wink. She would never tell anyone but her heart could've bursted in that moment. But somehow, she managed it and morphed her face into a disgusted expression. "You're so gross. Please stop watching dramas at the library. Maybe you should study instead, huh?" She joked, nudging him lightly in the stomach. He rolled his eyes, grabbing her arm softly and yanking her towards him. "Here's a question. Does that night linger in your mind?" Kiyomi furrowed her eyebrows, trying to flicker through her memories to see what he was talking about.

"Do your lips tingle when thinking about it? Or your whole bo—"

"Shut the hell up!" She screeched, unable to take anymore of what she was hearing. She pressed her finger against his lips, shaking her head as hard as possible. Hyunjin grinned lightly, taking her hand and rubbing his thumb over her soft skin. He kissed her index finger delicately. "They do though right? Tingle?"

"Aw man... I hate you." Kiyomi pouted, removing her hand from his warm grip. He laughed heartily, enjoying this moment. His laughter had brought a smile onto her face. She wished she had seen him like this earlier on. But a part of her was glad she was the cause of it. Hyunjin widened his arms, taking her into his warm embrace. "I never want this day to end." He sighed, looking at her in the eye. "Why are you looking at me like that?" She questioned, her voice quiet and soft, barely above a whisper. His eyes turned into crescents, small dimples forming on the sides of his cheeks. "I don't know... I just never want to forget what you look like. At dance practice or when I sleep. I want you to be in my mind."

And when I get hurt. That's the only thing that will save me. It's you.

• • •

Kiyomi jolted when she heard the doorbell in her house ring in the middle of the night. She turned her phone lock screen on. It read 2:38 AM. She let out a yawn, clearing her mind a bit more. It definitely wasn't her parents because they were hoarders of spare keys. They had keys for anything and everything. Her feet dragged down the stairs, taking slow and unbalanced steps towards the door. Her eyes looked down at what she was wearing. Hopefully whoever it was didn't mind cat and dog pajamas. But she swore, if it was Felix asking her to join Overwatch, she would smack the living daylights out of that kid. It would've been the second time this week. The first time he asked, she closed the door on him and let him suffer in the cold till he went away. If the girl wanted to sleep, you should just let her sleep.

Her hand nervously opened the door, cautiously doing it as she eyed the hooded figure that stood outside her door. A gasp escaped her mouth when the hood fell off, revealing her boyfriend in the night sky's light. His parents hurt him... again. She winced at the painful expression he held, ushering him inside immediately. Kiyomi asked him to sit wherever he wanted while she went to go the first aid kit. Hyunjin made his way up the stairs, wanting to be in her room as she fixed him up. The girl eventually got the kit, almost sprinting up to her bedroom.

"Oh Hyunjin... what happened?" She sighed out, holding his face cautiously with her gentle grip. The white cotton ball was soaked in a bit of disinfectant. Softly, with an almost trembling hand, she applied it to the bleeding cut on his palm. "I guess I should've gone home a bit earlier." He chuckled, a humorous tone covering his sad voice. Kiyomi looked at him, pausing what she was doing. "That's not funny." She murmured, shaking her head before continuing. But all that was going through her head was that it was her fault. She was the one who made him stay a but longer for jellies at the store. Hyunjin felt startled to see a tear make its way down her face. "Ah... wae? (Ah... why?)" He queried, collecting the drop with his thumb.

Kiyomi shook her head, putting away the cotton ball and taking out a cream. She blowed on the red cut before smothering the white cream. "H-Have you ever gone to the police? I'm useless. Can't they help?" Hyunjin looked at her, a sour expression falling over his face.

"I have. So many times. But the police here are shit. They don't do anything. They just stand by and watch. I told them and they asked if I had evidence. I said no. So of course, they said they couldn't help. They're selfish and lazy, Kiyomi. We can't ask them for help."

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