1942, Britain, Hogwarts

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(Hazel's pov)

I remember my eyes rolling out of focus. I remember being jerked into the sky and being spun until I was sure I would vomit. Before that, I remember nothing.

I was lying on the grass when a person arrived. "Jasmine, why aren't you in class? Professor Prince says he's already deducted 10 marks from Gryffindor for lateness!" a girl whom I didn't know asked. "You're talking to me? By the way, who is Professor Prince?"I asked, pretty sure that I didn't have a name called Jasmine and nobody would have the name "prince". "You'd better go to the hospital wing."she said firmly.

And so she took me to the hospital wing. When I woke up, I thought I was Jasmine Dursley, and that I had a sister named Amanda Dursley.

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