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"Jackimal! I'm here!!" I yelled into the building that was filled with pounding and clanking of metal, after tying up snip to near a trough filled with hay.

The clanking stopped, "Oi!! Persephone! Good ta see ya." He said waving a hot ironed sword around, "Ya here to work on ye armour?"

I nodded, " Yes sir. And hoping to work on my greatsword." I said as I put on my apron.

He nodded, "Then ye could work on the guard, grip, pommel, and the peen block. And quit with the formalities. Like I said. Call me Jackimal or Jack. As ye did when ya walked in."

I nodded and walked off to my station. I noticed some side jobs on my anvil filled out on a paper. I decided to start on those first.

"Rrrrrrrruuuuuhhhhhh." I heard a low groan.

I smiled and looked at the over sized tall door, "One Eye!!" I ran to the giant friendly cyclops and hugged his leg.

He placed his hand on my back gently as if he was to hug back, "Perfone give good hug." He said with a smile.

"Thanks big guy. Now you reading to do some heavy lifting!" I said with excitement.

He roared in excitement and went to go carry and forge dragon saddles.

I smiled. He's such a softy.

I sighed as I heard the little bell signalling someone entered the shop. I decided to go out and not bother Jackimal.

When I walked out I saw a someone with full armour and a mask. I approches her with a sweet smile, "How can I help you?"

"I'm picking up the dragon saddle order." The person said in a stern voice. By her chest and voice and curves I could tell she was a woman.

A woman Dragon Rider.

"Oh! They aren't done yet because of an incident with some trolls. But they should be done shortly. Our cyclops One Eye is in a cheerful mood so he should be working quickly." I said in a sweet voice and smile.

She sighed but nodded, "I heard that trolls aren't so friendly around this part of the Kingdom."

"Sadly yes. But cyclops do live and have rights hear. So us blacksmiths are basically saved."

I heard her giggle slightly, "I always preferred cyclops." She sighed, "You know where the best bakery is?" She asked politely.

I nodded, "Yes I do actually. But the helmet can't stay on." I said hopefully she would understand and not see through me actually wanting to see her face.

"Oh! Not a problem." She said as she took it off and fixed her short hair, "Will it be safe here? I don't want to haul it and accidentally loose it."

"Yeah! I can take it. And once we get back I can put a helm clip on your belt to hold your helmet. Free of charge for the wait. And they aren't that pricy at all." I said with rosey cheeks. She sure was beautiful. I took in as much detail of her face as I could. Seeing the flaws and beauty. Her beautiful blonde hair shimmering from the sun that shown through the windows. One side skin tight braided straight back. Her emerald green eyes shown bright with happiness as well as trustworthiness.

I took her helmet ,which she handed me, and went to the back of the shop where my workspace was. I put it next to my armour set so no one would take it. Zok I hope she didn't notice me staring the way I was. That would be embarrassing.

I took a deep breath. Calming my nerves from anxiety. She's so pretty. And really nice. Oh Zok help me.

I walked out seeing her looking at the weapons I've made. She was mumbling to herself, "Dragons scales? Wonder whoever made this harvested shedded dragon scales or slaughtered a dragon. Or just bought them. Hmmm."

"Harvested shedded dragon scales. I check the landing area every time you guys come to pick up saddles or anything else. That wall is mine. I've made all of those." I smiled with pride in my work.

"They're very good and I can tell they're durable. So. The bakery?" She asked and faced me.

"Right!" I started to walk out.

"I think you forgot something." I heard her giggle behind me.

"Wait wha- oh." I laughed as I took off my apron and put it on a hook.

"Thank you. Let's go! It's in the north so we'll take Snip, my horse." I said jogging the trough.

"Horse? Haven't ridden one of those in forever." She laughed.

"Wait. What?" I was baffled. Do they only ride dragons? I mean. They could have horses to. Or maybe she just stays in one district of her kingdom. I untied Snip and hopped on.

She stood there quietly.

"You coming?"

She looked up to me with her bright Emerald green eyes, "Oh! Yeah. Sorry." She laughed awkwardly as she hopped on behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist.

I grinned, "Hold on."

HOLD UP. H-HOLD HOLD UP. ANOOTTTHHHHEEERRRR?????? HHHHUUUUHHH OH MAH GAWD. Sorry these are so short. But. I don't want it to seem like it's dragging. And here's a cliffhanger for ya.


I just did a little update. Don't mind me

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