reflecting illusion

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Convincing skies reflect my dreams

Translucent mirrors mimic my visions

Revealing only what I want to see

Erasing runaway thoughts of opposition


In this perfect world of mine-

I am in complete control

There are no illusions of wrong or right-

For the filter to reality is my own

Stereotypes are nonexistent

Thus, there is no swift judgment

And there are no moments of hatred or resentment

There is no shame! / There is no pride!

There is no pain! / There are no lies!

Serenity is the number one priority

Hearts have full immunity to adversity

And tears have yet to be given an opportunity

A home where promises aren't broken-

And people aren't taken for granted

A place where discrimination is dormant-

And hope is freely handed


My eyes paint the desired

An infinite radius is my canvas

Fantasies continuously transpire

It's an art form that defines: unpretentious

tragedy of existence(mid night poetry part 2)Where stories live. Discover now