Chapter 7

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I kicked off my shoes, stripped out of my clothes, unclasped my bra and let my hair tumble down around my shoulders. I was too tired and didn't bother to put on pajamas, although I did have the forethought of setting my glasses down on the night table before tumbling into bed. I wiggled into a comfortable position and finally felt my muscles begin to relax. I focused on my breathing. It was slow and steady.

The minutes ticked by. I was exhausted, but sleep wouldn't come. For the first time in a really long time though, my tossing and turning had absolutely nothing to do with my anxiety.

I turned onto my side and picked up my phone from the night table, an old habit I just couldn't break out of. I sometimes wondered how many more minutes of sleep I'd get if I didn't reach for my phone every time I felt the claws of insomnia digging into me.

It was still on silent since earlier in the evening so I turned it back on. Todd had stopped texting me at around midnight, and I wasn't expecting any calls or texts at this hour, but I checked anyway.

I had one unread text message. My stomach gave a jolt of discomfort as I thought of Todd. Was he starting all over again? At this hour, he'd only be texting me if he was drunk. I wasn't sure I could deal with another day of texts and calls. I was going to have to talk to him, wasn't I? He wouldn't quit otherwise.

But it wasn't Todd.

I squinted a little bit and saw that it was actually Rhett.

I laughed softly, wondering how we could've spent all night talking and yet still have things to say to each other. I opened our text conversation and grinned. He was just asking me how badly I got in trouble for skipping curfew. He was kidding, obviously. He couldn't have known my dad was actually up waiting for me.

I replied back with a well-crafted sarcastic remark.

He had one in his pocket too.

I actually told him what happened with my dad downstairs. I was sure he'd get a laugh out of it. We texted back and forth for a few minutes before I realized I could hardly keep my eyelids open, let alone read what was on the bright screen. My bedroom was becoming brighter too now that morning was really kicking it into gear. I yawned and told him I had to go now, even though part of me didn't want to.

I put my phone down, burrowed my head in my pillow and fell asleep within minutes.

I didn't get up again until almost noon.

It was so silent, a huge contrast to mornings in New York City. There were no sirens, no impatient commuters and no loud buses stopping and going just outside my apartment building...

It was peaceful.

I stretched my arms up above my head and wiggled my toes, taking my time getting out of bed because I didn't have to be anywhere.

I put on some music and ran a hot bubble bath. I washed my hair and shaved my legs, humming to myself. I put on a pair of old jeans and my favorite t-shirt, and then I made my way downstairs to discover that I was completely alone in the house.

No note on the counter, no text message from anyone. Well, then.

I was absolutely starving so I made myself some scrambled eggs and bacon. While I ate alone at the breakfast nook, I answered e-mails and got a bit of work done for Naomi. It was a good thing she had a couple interns in the office all summer. From the texts and snaps she was sending me, it looked like she had a pretty crazy week ahead. 

After rinsing my dishes and starting the dishwasher I put on my shoes and decided to check next door if Rhett was around to hang out. I was in such a good mood, the last thing I wanted to do was spend the whole day indoors by myself.

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