While Cyrus placed an egg-in-a-basket on everyone's plates, Theo gestured to the empty chair next to Zach, "Aden?"

Cyrus shrugged as he took the seat on Pan's left. He turned to Cassia, "Sleep well?"

"It was surprisingly more comfortable than I thought it would be," she nodded, remembering how quickly she'd fallen sleep, "But it was a bit chilly."

"Blame the weather on Pan. He controls it," Zach spoke up in between bites of bread.

"Along with everything else on Neverland," Cyrus added coldly.

Cassia mentally noted that Cyrus probably looked down on Pan. Maybe Zach too, but it was too early to confirm. However, she could tell he had something against her for some reason. He seemed fine with her last night, what changed? Cassia took a bite of her bread, shoving away the thought. Like she told herself earlier, it was only day one, she had time figure him out later. For now, she indulged in the most normal meal she's ever had.

"I remember my first night in Neverland. Couldn't sleep at all because I kept hearing strange noises," Zach continued the conversation as he raised his fork. "Pan says there are no bears on Neverland, but I say otherwise."

"I said there were no bears on Neverland, Zach. Doesn't mean that there're not other creatures on this island."

Everyone's head turned toward the opening of the tent where Pan suddenly stood. Zach dropped his fork with a loud thud; Cyrus quietly kicked him under the table. In the moments Pan took his seat the head of the table, no one talked, no one ate. There was just silence. Cassia picked at her cuticles in her lap, uncomfortable with the atmosphere he created.

The chair next to Zach was still empty, and she was about to speak up until Pan beat her to it, "Where's Aden?"

"Probably slept in, again," Zach answered as he throws a blueberry in his mouth.

As if on cue, Aden rushed into the tent. His eyes widened in shock when they set on Pan. Aden stumbled on his words, trying to apologize for being late. Angry and annoyed, Pan opened his mouth, but when his eyes met Cassia's, he quickly shut it. Instead, he simply put a hand up to silence Aden and proceeded to eat his breakfast.


If Pan truly controlled the weather, Cassia was going to have a talk with him. Sweat had built at her brow from being out in the afternoon sun for so long. After a very quiet breakfast, she had to go change before meeting the rest of the boys in the 'training area'. Cyrus had put it to her shortly that the boys spent most of their day training. For what, they had no clue, but Pan insisted that they prepare themselves for anything.

Cassia couldn't be more confused, but she then remembered rule number two: do everything Pan asks, no questions. She had no choice if she didn't want to get on his bad side on only day one. Especially after the look he gave Aden when he was merely seconds late to breakfast. That was another thing on her mind, but she didn't voice her thoughts out loud.

She went up to her treehouse and found an assortment of clothes in the trunk. When she pulled a simple blouse over her head, she caught a whiff of the ocean laced in the threads. Questions ran through her head but again, she chose to push them aside. Cassia was buttoning the collar of the blouse as she walked into the training area until an arrow zipped by her head, landing in a thorn bush.

"Damn! I missed!" Zach groaned as Aden scrunched his eyebrows.

Cassia trailed where the arrow went back to Zach. He stood there smugly, arms crossed against his chest, silently taunting her. "You almost shot off my head."

He smirked as he walked past her, "That was the whole point, princess."

Did he know? Was that why he acted this way with her, because she was royalty? Did everyone else know too? Did they all feel the same way as well? Cassia looked over at Aden; he seemed just as confused as she was. Maybe he didn't know, she couldn't say the same about the rest of the boys yet.

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