"Midoriya has been acting weird lately..."

Start from the beginning


“And the funny part about all this is that I don't know how to feel about it all! I mean, my whole life I have had nobody! I've been bullied and I've had no one! When I got accepted into U.A, no one was there to be happy for me! No one! And here I am crying over someone I didn't know very well!

“I mean, why am I shedding tears for someone I don't know?!” Midoriya looks at Todoroki, still crying. Todoroki sighs and hugs Midoriya. Midoriya is taken by surprise again. After a while he hugs back and cries.

Ugh, what would the Villains think if they saw how pathetic I am? Why the hell am I opening up to this guy? Why is he so special that he gets to hear my sod story?

“Midoriya, it's okay... Please stop crying...” Todoroki says trying to comfort him.

Midoriya stops and pulls away. “R-right... Sorry for crying like that...”

“It's fine...”

It stays quiet for a while. Finally Midoriya says something. “Todoroki, can you make me a promise? I mean, one that you can't tell anyone and that you can't break...”

Todoroki nods in agreement. Midoriya looks at him and says, “Todoroki, when I disappear, please don't look for me.... When I don't come back, please don't forget me... Promise me, please....” Midoriya looks away, blushing but has a sad look in his eyes.

Todoroki is taken back by that. He is confused. “Midoriya? You aren't going to leave, are you?” Todoroki asks, extremely worried.

“I don't know, Sho...” Todoroki's eyes go big. Sho? He hasn't said that in a long time... Why is he calling me that again? After so long? And what does he mean he doesn't know?!

“Izu... You aren't going to disappear, right?”

“I-I...” Midoriya looks at Todoroki. “Promise me, Sho... Just promise...”

Todoroki takes a deep breath. What he was about to do was reckless, yes, but he need to let Midoriya know. Before it is too late. I mean, what if Midoriya means what he says. What if Midoriya does disappear? He can't have him leave without knowing...

Todoroki grabs Midoriya's chin and kisses him. Todoroki kisses passionately. Midoriya on the other hand, is a blushing mess. Todoroki is kissing me. Todoroki is kissing me... TODOROKI IS KISSING ME! OMG! Midoriya, then kisses back. He melts into the kiss.

Todoroki pulls away and blushes brightly. “D-Does that count as a 'yes' to promising you?”

Midoriya smiles and nods. “Y-yeah...”

Todoroki sighs and looks at Midoriya. “Izu... If you're really going to leave... I have to tell you something first...” Midoriya looks at Todoroki.

“Izu... I-I like you... No... I love you...” Todoroki looks away, blushing like crazy. Midoriya is suprised. Is that why he kissed me?

Midoriya looks at Todoroki. “Sho...”

Todoroki looks at Midoriya. Midoriya then, kisses Todoroki. Todoroki eyes widen then he kisses back. When they pull away, Midoriya smiles.

“I-I love you too...”

After Todoroki left Midoriya alone, Midoriya stands and grabs the stuff he needs. He grabs his backpack and puts files he stole inside his backpack. He puts his notes on everyone's quirk in there. He grabs a black hoodie and puts it on. He puts on his black mask and black gloves.

He then, grabs a few pieces of paper, and a pencil.

Izuku's P.O.V

I started to write a note.

Dear Todoroki~
Please forgive me...
I know I said I love you too but, I can't stay.
Do, please, forgive me...
I can't stay for reasons I can't say.
When you read this letter, I'll be long gone...
Please don't give this letter to anyone.
Or don't tell anyone that I wrote you this letter...
I'm sorry that you had to find out that I've been working with the Villains like that...
I'm so sorry, Sho
I love you.
Please keep your promise you made me...

Your Izu~

I fold the letter and put it in my pocket. I then write a letter to the heros.

Dear Hero's.
Yes, it's a letter from Izuku Midoriya.
I write this informing you that I, indeed am working for the Villains.
In fact, I've been working with them for a really long time.
I know, I know.
“Midoriya?! Working for the Villains?! Why? Since when?!”
Well, dear Hero's, I'm working with them to see the Hero hierarchy be destroyed.
I never meant the stuff I said about being a hero.
Please! I would rather be died!
Now, please, deal with the fact that I'm a Villain.
In fact, I'm the lead Villain.
Please do everything in your power to capture me!
I do love a fun game!
And that's exactly what this is.
A game!
Here are the rules:
1) No giving up!
2) No believing that I can be saved.
I cannot be saved!
In fact, I've been gone for a while.
3) No cheating!
4) Stop me before I kill all the students in this precious school!
5) Try and catch me!~

Izuku Midoriya~

I smile. Then I chuckle. This will be a very fun game! Let's see how well they can stop me!

I grabbed my backpack and leave the previous letter on the desk. I look around and then got my knives.

I leave through the window,

With Todoroki's letter.

I'm sorry, Shoto Todoroki...

I love you, Sho~🖤

Hi! Thanks For Reading! Hope You Enjoyed! Have A Wonderful Day and/or Evening!

Word Count: 1531 Words.

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