Secert Meetings

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Like that the trio walked out of the double doors , questions filling all three of their minds especially Ezra's. They all stopped next to the guard and Ezran asked softly to both Callum and Elizabeth.

"Why is he sending us away? Something's wrong."

Hearing the sadness in his younger brother's voice, Callum puts a hand on his shoulder. Bending down to give him a small smile as he says.

"Everything's going to be fine. Alright? I'm sure of it."

"So am I," Elizabeth says softly to Ezran as well, giving him a bright smile. "Now let's get you packed young man."

The trio walked away from the double doors of The Throne Room.

~In Another Part Of The Castle~

Soren, Claudia and Lord Viren all walked into Lord Viren's office, Lord Viren closed the doors as he heard his son question him.

"What's going on Father?"

He stood staring at the door, eyes narrowed as he told his two children.

"We have visitors from Xadia." He turned to look at them as he said. "Unwanted visitors."

"What are they, minstrels or something?" Soren asked sarcastically with his arms crossed over his chest.

Claudia sighed before covering part of her mouth as she whispered to her brother.


Soren rolled his eyes and lightly wacked Claudia's shoulder as he exclaimed.

"I know! What do you think, I'm an idiot."

Claudia grumbled skeptically with a shrug of her shoulders, Soren narrowed his eyes at her putting a hand on his sword. Lord Viren ignored his children's bickering and walked up to them as he explained the situation to them.

"They've set up a secret camp somewhere near the base of the cliffs. Soren you will lead an attack."

"Right, their secret camp." Soren said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully before looking at his father with an eyebrow raised. "How am I supposed to find it if it's a secret?"

Lord Viren let out a sigh, rubbing his forehead tiredly as he walked over to a box and picked it up as he continued explaining the situation to his children.

"These assassin's are Moonshadow elves, they draw power from the moon." He turned to Soren and went on. "Inside this box is Archangel Lunaris, a giant moon moth. It will be drawn to their energy, follow it and you will find them."

Soren looked down at the box in slight awe that a big could find assassin's so easily, he paused before narrowing his eyes up at his father as he questioned him

"And what happens if I can't find them?"

"Then we may be on the brink of changing times." Lord Viren told his son.

"You're saying they'll kill the king?"

Lord Viren shushes his son and quickly peers out the window, looking down he sees Callum walking by. The boy stops and looks up at the window when he hears something along the lines of "kill the king", he looks up at Lord Viren, Claudia and Soren in confusion and concern. Lord Viren sets the box on the table once more as he glared down at Callum before closing the window.

Callum sighs and looks down at the ground in thought, Ezran was running behind him Bait was chasing after him, Elizabeth was following after them with a few giggles slipping past her lips. Ezran giggled happily as he dodged bait and then grabbed ahold of him, Callum looked over at the three and let a sad smile slip past his lips. In the castle Lord Viren picked up the box and angrily thrusted into Soren's hands as he exclaimed angrily at his son.

"Do you want to cause a panic?"

"I'm sorry..." Soren starts looking frightened at his father.

"Just get out there and find them. Before sundown!" Lord Viren ordered his son, raising a hand to which Soren flinched too as he basically silenced his son.

"So if these really are Moonshadow elves, then once the moon rises." Claudia says lost in thought as her brother and father turned to look at her.

Lord Viren finishes her statement though as he looks down at the ground in sadness and anger.

"They'll be unstoppable."

"Well I'm going to find a way to stop them." Claudia says as she crosses her arms behind her back as she walks over to a book on a table as she goes on. "After all, unstoppable is just another kind of stoppable."

The two men looked at each other in disbelief before looking at the girl in front of them as Lord Viren told his optimistic daughter.

"No, that's not really right."

Claudia turned around and bit her lip nervously as she told the two .

"Yeah, it made more sense in my head. Elizabeth usually comes up with really cool phrases."

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