The Princes

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Thunder rumbled in the night sky as a storm brewed, the castle sitting on the edge of the cliff was quiet with everyone sleeping peacefully. Going into a room there's a bed with a glowing frog, glowing a soft yellow as he slept. His owner rolling over to hold on to him in his sleep, cuddling him close to his chest.

Drool came out of the mouth of the glow frogs owner, waking the glow frog as it began to go all over his face. The glow frog licks it clean, then closed his eyes again.

In the other half of the room, separated by an open door. Sat a teenage boy at his drawing desk, making small growling noises then finally mumbling out.

"Take that, marshmallow monster."

The brunette growls again, he drew a dragon breathing fire at what he says 'a marshmallow monster'. Thunder crashes in the night sky again, causing the brunette to jump in fright as he screamed a little. The little boy next door awoke with the scream and yelped in fright, sitting upright looking around for the source. Scared, he looks through the open door that separates both of their rooms before he squealed out.


Calum looks to the younger boy with a calm facade, he leans his arm against his drawing desks. Facing the open door that separates their rooms, seeing his brother's fright he smiled waving it off. About how the thunder shocked him as he says calmly.

"It's okay, Ezra." He then shrugged as he continues. "It's just a thunderstorm. Nothing to be afraid of. Go back to sleep."

Callum returns his attention back to his drawing, Ezern shakes his head at the older boys words. He leans back to lay back down, glancing around trying to spot something to hide his fright. Ezra's eyes then landed on the glow frog.

"I wasn't scared......Bait was scared." The boy says, laying down fully and hugging his glow frog close to him.

His glow frog turned a glowing red/bluish color, he growls at his owner in defiance. Bait then noticed that Ezran was falling asleep, he then slowly turned back to yellow as he too fell asleep.

Lightening cracked outside the window, along with thunder as something disturbing was happening outside.

The Dragon PrinceHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin