A Vacation

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Inside the Throne room King Harrow and Lord Viren and a couple other Head Guards, moving a few things around on the map until they heard knocking on the door. They turned their attention to the double doors and found Callum standing there, unsure whether or not to come inside the Throne Room or not. Well until both Ezran and Elizabeth pushed Callum in further along with themselves, King Harrow smiles at seeing the trio together and opens his arms wide to them.

"Boys!" He walks over to the trio and says. "You're going on a trip to the Banther Lodge."

He stops to stand next to his two sons and in front of Elizabeth, as Callum looks at him in confusion.

"But it's spring.....It's the winter lodge."

"Eh........Winter is coming." King Harrow reasons, rubbing his beard thoughtfully. "Eventually."

Ezran looks up at his father in confusion, he questions his father silently if he had a fever today.

"What will we do? Everything fun there has to do with snow or ice."

King Harrow looks to both of his boys seeing that they were not into what he was trying to do to protect them both, quickly King Harrow tries to think of new things for them to do in the spring.

"Maybe you can invent new versions using, dirt and rocks." King Harrow seemed to think of something clever as he took a glance at Elizabeth. "You could build a dirt man, or what about mud-sledding?" King Harrow suggested to his youngest son Ezran. "That could be a thing."

King Harrow, Callum, and Elizabeth all looked down at the young boy, who did not look convinced at all. Elizabeth could felt sympathetic to her king, she noticed how every guard in here was tense and on their toes. Elizabeth turned her attention back to her two friends and her king, she then sees Bait looking as unimpressed as Ezran is.

When Bait croaks at the four, looking at him Elizabeth couldn't help but giggle causing Ezran to chuckle as well. King Harrow took this distraction and turned to talk to his oldest son Callum.

"Look, this is something I need you to do."

Ezran and Elizabeth heard the seriousness in his voice and stopped their laughing, Ezran looked up at his father in worry.


But King Harrow silenced Ezran with a look, making him look back down at Bait.  King Harrow stated firmly putting a hand on Callum's shoulder.

"It's been decided." He then walked away as he continued talking. "You'll leave before sundown, so go get packed up."

Callum looks at his father sighing, knowing that they would have no say in it at all.

"Yes, sir. Come on, Ez."

Callum begins to walk towards the double doors to The Throne Room when he notices that his brother did not follow him. Turning he watches as Ezran grab onto King Harrow's robes, catching King Harrow's attention. Making Ezran let go now that he had his father's attention.

"May Elizabeth come with us? Her music will help me and Bait when we're bored." Ezran questioned his father, also explaining one of the many reasons he wants Elizabeth to come along.

King Harrow chuckles, looking down at his son. He then looks to Elizabeth who seemed rather awkward and hesitant, with the request her prince had made to her king. King Harrow's eyes trailed across the room towards Callum, who was looking as hopeful as his little brother that he'll say yes. He then watches his eyes dart longing at Elizabeth, causing King Harrow to smile at seeing the love in that boy's eyes.

"Of course, why I never thought to tear her away from you boys."

"Thank you, my king, it's a great honor for you to allow me to travel with and stay with your sons at the Banther Lodge," Elizabeth told her king, bowing her upper body showing her guitar laying on her back and her sword on her hip.

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