Moonshadow Elves

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A Moonshadow elf jumped off of rock then onto a fallen tree, before jumping off of the fallen tree and then swinging herself on a tree branch and then finally landing on the ground with a thud. She takes off her hood and brings out her swords, she stares at them and sighs seeming disappointed in herself.

Then she looks around and notices a bush full of red berries, getting an idea she smirks and grabs a handful of them. In a camp filled with five Moonshadow elves, the she-elf walks back to them nervously looking around. She passes a man elf and he looks at her swords, seeing blood on them and he says calmly.

"Well done Rayla."

The she-elf pauses and stiffens her posture going rigid, as she turns to the elf man and says holding her swords out to him.

"Yeah, I used both of them."

The elf man nods in amusement at young she-elf, he reaches into his pocket and gets out a rag.

"I can see that." He told her, then tosses her the rag.

She catches it then wipes her swords clean of the red berries, as she felt guilty for lying to one of her kind about what she didn't do. Rayla then walks away towards her tent, ignoring the proud looks she got from her kind.

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