10. Amy

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Warning; This whole chapter is cringe worthy.

Esmarelda had always thought that she'd die of natural causes, or a government experiment gone wrong. Never would she have thought it would be by the hands of jealousy.

She had always thought that beats the sound of rain falling, or the smell of aunt Maddie's freshly brewed tea. That's what she thought before she heard the sweet melody of his voice and smelt his aroma of the musky earth.

She thought that today was going to be as normal as every other, but aunt Maddie was a woman of her word and when she said that she'd arrange tea, Esmeralda should have gue6that it would be soon.

No later than 10am, they stood before a house that would only be described as perfect. It was tall with peach walls and white edging. It was so prim and proper, something out of a fairytale, and despite it's pure brick wall. It remined her of the witches house in the old tale of "Hansel and Gretel"

The lawn was perfectly mowed and the water in the miniature fountain, sparkled like the stars.

Aunt Maddie knock once, then twice and the door opened with a creek.

"Oh dear Maddison, what a pleasure." The woman, one that I noticed from the table at the festival greeted. Her hair in a neat bun and her pink dress settled in neat pleats around the bottom.

"And you must be Esmeralda, what a pleasure it is. Why don't you wash up dear and come back here for some tea. The bathroom is down the hall, two doors to the left. " she spoke in a single breath, leaving no room for debate. So Esmarelda complied, only in favor of being polite.

Her mind was preoccupied with thoughts of embarrassing herself that she failed to notice the scent of the star from last night.

Mindlessly, she walked in and instead of an empty bathroom she found a tall pale girl, spotting a large pastel pink hoodie, that reached over her shots with the phrase "Just anti human" printed in a neat white font: Amy, with her hands pinned over her head by a man that she noticed instantly, the one from the shop.

She wanted go gasp, scream, cry and basically explode but couldn't. The two starred strongly at each other with an expression that she chose not to decipher before she crept away from the scene and back toward the kitchen that did not take her long to find.

There was a table in the center, not round but not oval either, covered with a red and white checkered cloth neatly draped over.

"There you are Esmeralda, I was wondering what was keeping you." Said aunt Maddie sipping at her tea.

"Why don't you take a seat, Amy will be here in a sec." She said, and they were.

Just as Esmeralda took her seat, Amy with stained cheeks graced the room with her presence with a tall, rugged head of curls trailing careful behind her.

Esmarelda felt a wave of jealousy and agression flow through her when Amy grabbed the guy's hand as theh neared.

"Hey." She said simply before plopping down oh the chair infornt of Esmarelda with her friend sitting next to her.

He nodded towards the two other woman then focused his attention towards Amy, who had a sly smile playing on her brown lips that held a butter biscuit between it.

"Amy, don't be rude" said her Aunt: Petunia, in a tone slower than the one I've grown used to "Introduce Esmarelda to your friend." She smiled.

"Sure, " Amy looked at him slyly "Esmeralda, meet Castiel. Castiel, Esmeralda." Amy chewed down on another biscuit, and for the first time today, his gaze met hers.

Time stopped, her heart pounded and her bloody russed to her cheeks, all from a single look. It scared her, the feelings.

She caught notice of her feelings and rudely extended her hand out as a greeting. "It-it's a pleasure." She tried to smile but her stuttered embarrassed her to the core.

He leaned forward, his hair bounding with the action and a rebel lock of hair fell over his eye, cutting through the hint of sparkle in what seemed to be pools of regret. Then he spoke, "The pleasure is all mine."

Their hands connected in a greeting and Esmeralda wasn't sure why, but her arm caught alight, with tingles and sparks that burned away her arms.

The pleasure was so intense that she hadn't realised what big change was brought about by such a small action.


I was going to make this chapter longer but decided on making it a two part thing because I feel like I've lost what little touch I've had.

I basically had 0 motivation when writing this but chose to try something other than just sit around and wait for inspiration.

I could have wrote this chapter ×100 better if I had motivation or a want to write, but I didn't want to wait and forget everything. So instead I chose to write a bad chapter that I can one day go back and make better.

If anyone knows what I could do to get over what I assume to be writers block, then PLEASE let me know.

Other than that

Till next time

Make good choices


Written in the stars (Rewriting) Where stories live. Discover now