7. The Lake.

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The birds were silent, and the wind sang it's song tonight.

She followed the path written in the stars as the moon guided her along the way.

Esmarelda was nervous. Her hands visually shaking, and if you looked close enough, you'd find the thin line of nervous sweat appearing on her forehead.

Esmarelda knew not of why she continued walking. Nothing of her actions made sense, even to her.

Nobody with a rational mind would just pick up on a smell and follow it into the depths of the deep, dark forest.Yet she kept walking.

The musky scent growing and her heart rate increased, picking up her adrenaline to such an extent that she had almost missed it.

A star, shining in it's ever so stunning glow, right before her. Nothing seemed real.

Esmarelda couldn't make sense of it. A fallen star stood right before her, twinkling and glowing in a large ball of mystery.

She wanted to stop, and allow common thinking to take over, but luck didn't seem to be on her side. Not tonight.

One foot in front of the other, she walked forward and the closer she got, the more the star morphed into an outline of a man.

A broad, muscular back wrapped in a black baggy blouse and a head of messy black hair stood as one along the bank of the lake, watching the reflection of the stars shine in the water.

Esmeralda took a final step before her foot made contact with a twig, causing a noticeable 'snap' sound and the echo to reach the man.

His focus from the stars broke at the sound and he turned to face Esmarelda defensively.

His body was rigid, but relaxed at the sight of Esmarelda. That small action, for some bizarre reason brought warmth to her heart.

They both stayed still for only a few seconds, but to them it felt like a lifetime.

He studied ever bit of her, from the rebellious strands of hair that crawled out of her braids, to the curiosity that overwhelmed her eyes, and goosebumps that arose on her skin, but Esmarelda was too busy doing the same to notice.

None of them dared to ruin the intensity of the moment, not until Esmarelda's brain stopped functioning all together.

With only her heart guiding her, she walked to him, so close that her face was not even centimeters away from his chest.

Her heart was beating at a mile a minute and breathing could hardly come out.

She's always heard stories of how people felt butterflies in their stomach, but Esmarelda had a whole zoo. The feelings were unexplainable and felt as if they'd been growing for more than a lifetime. Her knees were weak and her arms were shaking. To be honest, Esmeralda was surprised that she had even been able to stand at this moment.

She look up, and feel deeper into whatever this trance was.

His face was that of an angel, with high, chiseled cheekbones and a jawline so sharp that she feared to touch it. He had skin so flawless that she found it hard not to reach out and touch it.

There was this hint of familiarity surrounding him, but maybe it was the glowing light that surrounded him that made it hard to pin point what exactly it was.

"Who are you?" She asked, her voice barely a whisper but she knew that he has heard it.

His hand reached out to her face, and cupped her cheeks so lightly, as if he was scared by his own action.

The electricity that Esmarelda had always read of in books seemed like an understatement. A joke even.

Energy. Pure thunder and energy dances through Esmeralda, leaving a trail of painful pleasure charging through her veins. The feeling left her breathless but craving for more.

He didn't answer immediately. Maybe he felt the same way she did. Esmarelda hoped so.

Carefully, she raised her palm to overlap the hand that rested on her blushing cheek and looked at his with pleading eyes.

"You shouldn't be here angel." He said with a soft, enchanting voice. His voice felt like a sweet melody to her ears. Never had she felt this way over a man, and never has she almost swooned over a voice.

But her moment of solitude didn't last long, because within a blink he was gone. Disappearing with the wind and taking his enchanting aroma with him. Almost as if he was never there at all.

New chapter, but I feel as if its lacking something. I'm not satisfied, but I can't think of anything else en so I'm just gonna post this.

What did you'll think tho?

Any suggestions on how to I.prove it?

Any new theories?

I'm dying to know.

Now, until next time ❤

Make good choices.


Written in the stars (Rewriting) Where stories live. Discover now