9. perfections

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"There is no perfection, just beautiful versions of brokenness."

~Shannon L Alder

Esmarelda; she was far from perfect.

Acne from her early teenage years, stil evident from the few scars that that dotted her cheeks, it was faint but stood out like a target in her eyes. She was hunched, not in the sense that it was noticable, but in the sense that her shoulders slouch enough to make her look as such, and her facial har grew back faster than she would have liked.

So in simple terms, she was not perfect.

Expectedly though, she met the outrageous yet outspoken standards of society, but according to her that's where it stops.

On the other hand, she was pretty (or so she tried to convince herself). People always complemented her, strangers would praise her and boys (surprisingly) would swoon over her, but she was her greatest critic.

Her mind was a dangerous place when it came to herself and the mirror was her greatest weapon. Not that she would ever admit it though.

Today, like every morning she woke to the wailing of her alarm then layed mindlessly in bed for absolutely no reason at all. Then at the smell of brewing tea she carried herself to the bathroom to begin her daily routine.

She washed her face, had a bath and plaited her hair into her signature braid, not staying in front of the mirror for too long. The longer she looks at herself, the more flaws she finds. Then stroll into the kitchen to find her aunt Maddie, oddly without a cup of tea this time.

She looked tired, completely and utterly jetlagged.

She much have had too much fun at the festival, Esmeralda thought to herself with a ghost of a smile playing at her lips.

"Good morning aunt Maddie." She chirped. Esmarelda was not a morning person, but aunt Maddie deserved the effort.

"Not so loud child." For the first time this morning, aunt Maddie looked her in the eye. Bloodshot red met her innocence ones, and she gasped.

"Aunt Maddie, are you okay?"

"Just a late night." Aunt Maddie dismissed. "Speaking of which, where were you?" Maddie raised a blow.

What could she say? How could she say anything? She hadn't known the answer herself.

After her dreamlike encounter, she hadn't fathomed and answer to rationalize her thoughts or come to terms with which parts of her thoughts were reality, and which strayed.

"I met a girl: Amy." She bit the inside of her cheek at the lie, but smiled coolly nonetheless.

"Amy? Amy Callas." Aunt Maddie, for the first time today smiled.

"I guess, we didnt get to second name basis as yet." Her cheeks redden from the anxiousness from my lie, but aunt Maddie took it as a blush.

"Oh honey, that's great." And thus returning the dear ol Aunt Maddie that I know. "Amy's cousin and I are dear friends, we must arrange a tea date. Ooh Esmeralda, this is wonderful." She began ranting on about what we could together, while Esmeralda perused her thoughts on how she had dug her own grave.


1 bloody K.

This cant be happening

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This cant be happening. I'm on fricken cold nine. For that I think that we're gonna have to have a special visit from someone in the next chapter. *wink wink*

Speaking of the next chapter, I feel like throwing in a little love triangle. Just to spice things up, so who shall it be?

A girl or a guy? For Esmeralda that is. I'm feeling generous and thus asking you guys.

I'm writing Maths and Business tomorrow, but I wrote this instead. Thus the... way the chaper is. I guess.

Welp, till next time.

Make good choices


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