Chapter 10

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We remained in the lodging separated till the following evening, his words engraved in my chest like the branded mark on my arm. Tariq regretted saving me and because of this, I knew my days were numbered. We had barely spoken, and the suffocating quietness had made us much more aware of each other's existence.

A new twilight had begun when we set out of the dwellings in the bio-dome walking into the streets. Not less than ten minutes of maneuvering in silence, an underground transport tunnel appeared where I was led into by Tariq.

It was obvious that this place held the bulk of criminal activity. Already a fight had broken out and the pummeling force of two burly men resulted in broken glass. Their power was overwhelmingly different from anything I had ever seen. It mimicked the swift movements of Tariq and the stranger I had seen before.

No one bothers to interfere. People pass by nonchalantly as if this is an everyday occurrence,

"Stop staring and hurry yourself!" The growl at my shoulder breaks the spell. I blink the frightful images away taking notice of my surroundings. The deeper in we go into the tunnels, the denser the lighting is until we reach the transport station entrance. Tariq pulls on my arm as always finding ways to torture me at his fast pace.

Eventually, we arrive at the gates and enter through the metal bars that swing open. The gloomy atmosphere feels as haunting as a funeral ceremony. Figures shuffle about in silence that can only be a result of the huge giants whose statuesque frames are an exact replica of Tariq's physique. They stand out among the vast crowd in distinguished attire of burgundy and charcoal grey that is vaguely familiar. I've seen then before— the uniform. It's the coat of arms of an Enforcer of the Dark Realm territories. They march away hastily, cutting the cord of safety that I feel at their presence. I want to run to them, beg to be taken back to the light. I want to...

"They do nothing for chattels." My thoughts are interrupted by Tariq. "You are trespassing. At best, they will liberate you with the flames."

Then I remember. I am human. I am now in the dark where chattels must obey their master, and I have lost all freedom. Heavy steps lead me to the edge of the rail car station as we wait for the subterranean mobile to make its presence known. My eyes remain transfixed on the tracks that slowly begin to vibrate, the sounds increasing in momentum like a downward rollercoaster simulation.

After a complete stop, the doors open, and they come out...not only the few with silver eyes but those with crimson irises as well. The first monsters of the realm that arrived when the war first began.

"Keep your damn head down and listen to what you are told to do." The vicious command prevents me from gazing anywhere else but the floor. But that makes it difficult to see, and I don't have the acute vision of demons to clearly focus on what's in front of me in dim lighting.

This lack of clarity forces me to stumble on feeble legs after getting into the transport. The doors shut, and I soon topple to the metal floor when Tariq releases me to sit on a seat. In my misstep, I land in front of a pair of boots and a second pair of small bare feet that are visible beneath the glow of blue lighting.

"Sorry," I grumble as I try to clumsily stand and retreat.

That's when I see them, dark eyes that look like mine stare back at me in despair. A saddened soul so depleted of life holds my gaze in emotionless abandonment that I can't tear away from his scrawny little frame. It takes him a while to register that I am human, but when he does, the emptiness is replaced with a twinkle of hope. Hope that I know I can never give.

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