Chapter 9

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Tariq directs me out of the bedroom.

When we reach the living area, the savage look he displays is sheathed in malevolence. Deadly silver slits stare at me like headlights in the dark as I slowly approach where he stands.

He tears open a bag on the sofa.

"Take the towel off and put this on." Tariq commands as he hands me a bundle of apparel.

"Is this hers?" I ask ashamed to wear clothing that belongs to the vicious woman.

"No," he growls out. "Now change!"

Tariq shuts off the light leaving only the glow from the window. He manages to secure the door that has been torn off its hinges back into place. Then he sits casually on the sofa with his arms spread out facing me with those glowing silver stars.

I move towards the direction of the bathroom with the garments pressed firmly to my chest.

"Don't move human. I said change." he demands causing me to flinch at his tone.

"But, but..." I whisper embarrassed of what his words mean. My fingers grip the garments for dear life as I pivot to face him in the dark. I can't see Tariq clearly, but we both know his vision is exceptional. I hesitate, afraid to move. His eyes are piercing, and ever so slowly, I can see the brightness in them radiate, preparing to compel me if needed.

"I won't coerce you to do as I command even though it is within my power. You will obey because I said so." His words are slow and steady like warm molasses and almost hypnotizing.

There is no use fighting him when I know he can dictate my every move. Instead, I fumble with the clothing in my arms feeling the items he has given. It isn't much, underwear, stretched leggings and a top, all of which feel like nothing I would ever be caught dead wearing if I were home.

I try holding my towel as I put my undergarment on as quickly as possible. The leggings, however, prove to be a little more complicated. Using unsteady hands and breathing heavily, I grasp them unsteadily while placing a foot through each opening. It's amazing how loud my movements sound when all that is heard is my ragged breath and quivering pulse.

He stands and terror fastens its hold on me like a tight clamp.

"Let it go," he commands.

I know what he means but something in my belly doesn't feel right as I'm awkwardly bent over on the floor trying to adjust the leggings. There is pressure in my chest as his words ring in my head. I've stood half naked in front of Reese before, but this is different. There is an air of heat burning around us, and I halt my movements waiting for him to strike or grab me.

When he doesn't attempt neither, my fingers flutter like the wings of a butterfly to quickly pull up the leggings stuck at my ankles. He yanks the towel off with such force that I tilt forward about to fall. His hands aim directly around my waist to help me balance. I would've slapped at his arms if I was quick enough, maybe even hit him after. Instead, I rise to quickly to cover my chest with my arms leaving the leggings halfway up to my knees.

At this close proximity, I've become useless. Like some frightened bird in a cage, I stand motionless enclosing my wings around me to wrap myself and hide. He bends down in front of me grabbing the leggings to lift them up ever so slowly. The feel of his fingers as they skim my flesh make me tremble in what can only be described as distress. The nerves inside my body want to jump out and flee from the room, but something keeps me glued to the floor as he maneuvers them over my thighs. When his hands pull the leggings over my bottom to finally rest on my waist, he rumbles an unusual sound.

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