Chapter 7

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 "Tariq! Is that you?" a voice is heard from across the paved road of the facility.

A rumble in Tariq's throat as he halts to look at the stranger who is heading our way is evidence of his displeasure.

"Look down and don't say a word," he seethes through clenched teeth glaring at me. "Or I will regret it."

The last command he gives is alarming enough to force me to listen. He could have compelled me, but he doesn't, so I avert my eyes to the ground. My head dangles down like a broken tree branch when the crunching of footfalls closes in to stand directly in front of us.

"I thought it was you," says the stranger with shiny black shoes and grey slacks. "What have we here?" he questions.

"Nothing." Tariq is obviously not a man of many words. "Well at least not anything worthy of attention."

"Come on now, Tariq. That's an insult."

Yes, it is, I want to say. But I keep silent. I try crossing my arms, but he tugs painfully at my limb that has been held in his grip for what already feels like hours. I'm almost sure the blood has stopped circulating through it.

"It is of no concern to you, Sebastian. Now, if you'll excuse us..." Tariq motions for me to move.

Unfortunately, we don't get very far.

This stranger, called Sebastian, reaches for my hand hastily that it is impossible for me not to react to his quick advance. When our fingers touch, I cringe in sheer terror. His grip is strong, and there is nothing I can do to pull away. My eyes fling directly to his face. Instinct tells me to bolt from his touch, but a tug of war between both men has me defenseless.

Sebastian's bright red orbs widen in disbelief, and he releases me immediately as if my fingers have somehow pierced his skin. He takes a few steps back in fright.

"Shit!" he yells glaring at both Tariq and me.

For a while he is stunned, looking to us both for an explanation or some sort of evidence that will ensure he has not branded me himself. I can see him awaiting the inevitable. His blonde hair and light skin make him appear ethereal, less demonic compared to the savage beast cutting the blood flow to my arm. His height, matching Tariq's soaring stature, saunters back and forth between us for answers.

Nothing happens obviously. I am already someone's chattel.

"What the hell is going on, Tariq?" Confusion is sketched on his face that transforms to relief when an emblem of his does not appear on my hand.

"It's a long story that I do not wish to discuss in the middle of the street."

Sebastian takes a deep breath and then looks to me. "I must admit, for a while there, I feared for my future and reputation." He places a hand upon his chest. "But...then I glanced at her face and decided that maybe, just maybe, there are things worthy of ruination," he grins directly at me. "Does it have a name?"

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