Rouge has already gotten his staff out from between us and has one leg hooked over mine. the world spin as i suddenly find myself underneath rouges figure. his staff held across my chest, preventing me from getting up.

"not bad," leaning down he stops just before my face. "although i think you could do better." his grin sends shivers down my spine. "after all, wouldn't you want to show off for him?" he turns his head to the side. eyes going wide i follow his gaze.

and catch Grey's eyes. i hate the part of me that surges up at the acknowledgement, the same way that my heart stills slightly at the sight of him half naked. "go with it," rouges breath tickles the back of my neck as he whispers into my ear.

annoyance rises within me, along with the image of her lips on his. before i even know what i'm doing rouge is on the ground next to me and i'm standing above him. his shocked face looking up at me.

suddenly his face changes. "look out!" pointing to something behind me i frown. half turned around i see the blast, there's no way out of it's path. bracing for impact i drop the staff, covering my face with my arms i close my eyes.

after a moment nothing happens, then nothing continues to happen. peaking open one eye i spot the shirtless figure in front of me. Grey had both arms out, shattered ice is scattered around him.

"watch it you two!" after yelling at Natus and Gajeel, he looks over his shoulder at me. for a moment i'm too shocked to do anything.

"Axon!" Lucy rushes over. stopping in front of grey she holds me at arms length. looking away i miss the hurt look on his face.

"Are you hurt?" his low voice is the only part of him that i allow myself to pay attention too.

"i'm fine," giving Lucy a reassuring smile i lower her hands.

"why are you sticking up for these idiots Grey?" Natsu, the same as ever. looking down at anyone weaker then him.

"if we start a fight outside of the competition we get kicked out." with an annoyed face Grey regards him with disgust. "do you really want that happening so close to the end?"

frowning natsu backs down. "fine."

"you should find another place to train, the both of us being here is not sutible." Erza's face basically says that we should leave or face the consequences.

"not happening," Levy replies.

"we were here first." i finish, meeting her glare.

"please don't fight!" a small voice interrupts. "why don't we split the park?" Wendy's smaller figure squeezes to the front.

"fairytail doesn't share," Grey mimics Erza.

"it doesn't matter," he steps forwards as Sting opens his mouth to argue. "we have to go, prepare for tomorrow."

"i'm not backing down now!" Lissana gives Lucy a hard look. i don't know the exact history behind them, but i do know that there is a bad past.

"do you ant to get kicked out of the competition? if we're caught making a move on each other there will be trouble." there is a tense silence. neither group make a move.

i don't feel the tension until i feel Grey's attention on me. instantly, almost on reflex, i divert his attention away. only for it to return a moment later. frowning i still refuse to meet his eye. it's out of annoyance this time that i divert him.

this time i'm ready for it and before he even gets a chance i sweep his attention straight across me. the others keep talking between themselves, bickering. your being irrational. a small voice inside my head whispers. you had nothing with him, you where just friends. are just friends.

a feeling nags at the back of my head. i had been too deep in my head that i had forgotten Grey's mission to catch my attention. and i accidentally, more or less, glare up at him. immediately regretting it i tear my eyes away.

stepping back i force his attention off of me. using the slowly brewing argument as a distraction. Levy steps closer to me recognizing my awkwardness. Glancing behind us I spot Auma, Olli and Sammy watching for a safe distance.

"We'll see you tomorrow," Grey addresses causing me to look back at what's happening. There all walking away, glancing backwards to glare at us.

One last time I feel Grey's eyes on me. Grimacing I force myself to meet them. Glancing behind him to where a silent Juvia us watching I offer a smile. It's forced and I know it looks like it.

Turning away I follow behind levy, taking a deep breath.

"You okay?" Her hand is intertwined with Rouges. I can feel him listening in.

"Yeah, I'm okay." She doesn't believe me, I know that.

"Good gob students, you avoided a confrontation that would have been disastrous." Auma comments.

"Their scary," Sammy is half hiding behind Auma, his wide eyes looking up at us.

"Don't worry, they can't hurt you." Lucy moves forwards and opens her arms for a hug. Cautiously he steps forwards. Quickening him pace until he's wrapped in her arms.

Lucy stands up and rests him on her hip. However my attention is caught by Olli. She's watching the backs of fairy tail as they walk away. considering that we're both standing on the edge of the group, i step up next to her.

"hey," acknowledging me she gives me her usual skeptic look. "you okay?"

"how do they do that?"

"do what?"

"face them like that," looking up at me she cocks her head to the side.

she waits for an answer. "honestly, i have no idea." frowning she looks over at the four, their filled with a confidence that makes them glow. "you have to believe that you can do it, i suppose. if you believe in yourself then the rest comes naturally."

"why don't you?"


"why don't you believe in yourself?" her eyes search me.

"because," i pause, slightly intimidated by this small girl studying me. "i grew up on the streets, where i had to stay unnoticed if i wanted to stay out of trouble. i was thrown out and ostracized from a young age so i don't have reason for confidence. my ability is to literally blend in. my strength isn't in standing up to people."

"he's right there," Levy steps up behind me. "Axon could take down a nation from the inside and you'd never see him coming."

"so your like us?" she glances over to Sammy. "you grew up on the streets?"

"yeah, and just like you. these guys took me in."

"that's what makes us Dreamtime." Lucy inputs from behind me.

"we take in those who don't have a home and give them one." Sting finishes.

"thank you." she breaths. smiling up at us. "for accepting us." a warmth blossoms in my chest and i ruffle her hair. we got to help these two in a way that no one else could. this is my family.

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