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"and fight!" bending my knees i push one arm forwards. the fighting stick that was in my hands slams against Rouges. not wasting a second i duck and spin under his arm and go for a swipe at his legs which he blocks.

he pulls back and goes for the exposed side of my neck but i duck and roll away standing up with some distance between us. adjusting my grip i step forwards and engage in a battle, a dance of sorts. spinning and moving we clash again and again.

"go Lucy!" Levy calls out from the side lines where her, Auma and Sting where watching. breaking the dance i hook one end of the staff under Rouges leg and angle the staff to trip him to the ground.

"omph" putting a knee to his chest i push the staff flat against his chest.

"yeah!" Levy yells out. before i know whats happening Rouge pushes me up and over so that he's straddling my waist with his staff to my neck. his hair falls into his face as he breaths heavily. struggling i push against him but he's stronger than me.

"you and your super strength" i growl and he just laughs.

"sorry about that" moving off me he pulls the staff away from my neck and offers me a hand up. puffing my hair out of my face i accept his offer and he pulls me up. over the course of the, well, over half a year that we have been here, i have started to consider Rouge as a little more then a friend rather then an enemy.

"not bad, your still a little sloppy, you need to consider what your opponents going to do." she advises Rouge. "and you need to work one your strength." she tells me.

"not bad Lucy" Levy compliments.

"yeah, your up next" high fiveing her i follow Rouge to the edge of the fighting ring.

"Sting, Levy, your up" wiping the sweat off my brow i stand next to Rouge. it had been a steaming day so we had all reverted to wearing the least amount of clothing possible. the boys had both decided to go shirtless, shoe less and was pretty much only wearing pants.

On the other hand Levy and i had gone down to sport bras and loose shorts. but still i had sweat dripping off of me. leaning on my staff i breath deeply.

"you good?" looking up at rouge i smirk.

"i'm fine. are you okay? i almost kicked your but there" teasing i elbow him in the side.

"oh please, like you could ever beat me" he rolls his eyes but smiles anyways. things where still tense between us but we where making progress.

"one day i will, i can promise you that" i'm joking but there's still a serious undertone to my voice.

"i'll be waiting" he comments and looks over at Levy and Sting as they fight. "look Lucy" he is cut off as Sting lets out a war cry and charges at Levy.


"i-" he doesn't finish the commotion from the fight catches both of our attention.

"yes! i win" Levy cheers. smiling i step out to meet her.

"Lucy" Rouge grabs my wrist and i un-consciously flinch, he notices this and cringes. "can we- can we talk?" i pause and for a moment we just look at each other.


"Lucy!" Levy bounces over and Rouge quickly drops my wrist. putting on a smile i face Sting and Levy as they give us a questionable look.

"good job Levy" i congratulate smiling at her. over her shoulder i watch as Rouge talk to Sting and i catch his eye. 'later' i mouth and he nods in understanding.

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