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"Sting she's not breathing" Rouge looks up desperately.

"we need Wendy" levy takes her two fingers away from Axon's wrist with a concerned look.

"we passed Fairytail's hotel not far back" Rouge lets Sting pick Lucy up bridal style and he goes over to help levy pick up Axon.

"you want to go to Fairytail?" Levy questions but keeps walking in the direction anyways.

"Lucy's hardly breathing and Axon heartbeat is very feint" Sting says bluntly. "i will do anything right now" walking in silence they make their way to the hotel.

walking up to the door Sting doesn't waste a minuet banging down the door. all of the chatter inside stops and everybody turn to the intruders. 

"Wendy?" Sting calls out, searching the room.

"Wendy!" a voice echos and Grey runs forwards, the girl following not far behind. whispers start up as everyone points and looks at the two girls, Lucy and Levy.

"follow me" seeing levy's discomfort Wendy beckons them to the back of the room. following her they bring the two into a hospital like room. "put them on a bed each." placing Lucy down Sting takes her hand and stands next to the bed.

using all of his energy he tries to heal her through the focus link but nothing seems to happen as her chest glows.

"Grey" Wendy steps up to Lucy first, "make sure that Axon keep breathing, i'll be over there in a minuet." grey, who was already next to the boy,  nods in understanding. "what happened?"

"they where attacked by the Trigon guild. we found them like this" levy reports as Wendy places two hands about Lucy's chest.

"she has some kind of gas in her lungs, give me a minuet to get it out of her lungs." moving her hand from her chest to her mouth, Wendy repeats the gesture a couple of times. "pass me that jar" pointing to a glass jar on the table she moves all of the gas into a circle.

grabbing the jar Sting opens the lid and lets her store at the gas in it, snapping the lid shut once she's done. "she should wake up soon." moving around the bed Wendy walks up to Axon next.  "do you know what happened to him?" her hands glow again as she places them on his chest.

"no, he was unconscious by the time the rest of us got there" Levy eyes an angry looking Grey. 

"can you heal him?" Rouge grabs Levy's hand and squeezes it, she squeezes back.

"yes, am i'll even cure that limp he's got going for the rest of the competition. but after that he'll start to feel it again."

"Levy?" Mokorof walks into the room, Mira following behind him and she closes the door. "whats going on?"

"sorry for the intrusion but we needed Wendy's help." Levy excuses.

"Lucy and Axon where attacked by the Trigon guild and Wendy was the closes and best option we had" Rouge glances at his two team mates on the beds.

"Trigon? i have heard of this before. their was complaints last year about them attacking player outside of the Arena but nothing was confirmed"

"you should put in a complaint" Mira suggest.

"and give them the satisfaction of it?" Lucy speaks up, surprising everyone. "where am i?" looking around she raises a hand to her forehead.

"Fairytail, Sting bought you here to get Wendy's help," Lucy's face falls.

"Fairytail" she mutters and looks over at the boy next to her with wide eyes.

"Lucy?" Axon looks over at the twin bed as Wendy moves back.

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