A day in the town

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"there's only two beds" Sting's face falls. After the task, Auma had taken them to the inn that they where going to be staying in. the cafe down stairs had cleared out by the time they had gotten there.

"yes, two of you will have to share a bed each." Auma heads straight into a far room. "on the other hand i have this whole room to my self." Lucy and Rouge peer over her shoulder and pout.

"but this room is huge!" Lucy glances over at the smaller room that they where going to be staying in.

"i know" smiling in glee Auma plops her bags down in a pile. "now you guys must be exhausted from the day. So get some sleep, i don't care who shares a bed just as long as your quiet." waving us off she closes the door in our faces.

"you know i'm impressed, it's way past her normal bed time" Axon looks at the clock hanging on the wall.

"i dibs this bed!" Levy's voice calls out from the room.

"I've got this one!" Stings voice follows after.

"looks like it's up to us to decide who's sleeping with who" Lucy grumbles to Rouge. "and i don't blame you for wanting to sleep with levy but i am not sharing a bed with Sting" Rouge looks away guiltily. 

"but Sting's so warm. it's like sleeping with a furnace." he complains.

"really? that can't be too bad, i mean you're as cols as ice so shouldn't it cancel each other out?" Axon peeks into the bedroom.

"i am not as cold as ice," Lucy gives him a look. "okay so maybe my body temperature is cold but i don't actually feel that cold."

"gosh!" Lucy puts a hand to her chest in sarcastic shock. "you have feelings?"

"i think the fact that i am dating your best friend contradicts that" a smile grows on his face at the mention of his relationship with Levy.

"fair enough" shrugging Lucy walks into the bedroom. "sorry but your stuck with the furnace Rouge." she face plants down onto the bed Levy is siting on. 

"i thought you liked the warmth Lucy?" Lucy can hear the smile in Levy's words and she thanks the gods that her face is covered by the pillow.

"shut up levy" when she looks up she makes sure that her face is not noticeable by the boys sitting on the bed to the left.

"welp, i'm taking the couch" opening a random cupboard Axon catches a bundle of pillows and blankets as they tumble out.

next morning

"i am going into town for the day, there is a lot that i need to do and not enough time to do it." Auma calls into the room containing the four sleeping teens. Sting grunts, the only confirmation that she was heard. "don't stay in bed for too much longer. even though it is your day off and you have three days until the next task i want you to be up and moving." Levy rolls over in bed so that she can see Auma.

"we'll be up in a minute." she promises and under the blankets Lucy kicks her. they had all been awake since sun rise, the normal time they would be up. but the beds where just too comfortable and too warm to get out of.

"why don't i believe you?" Auma sighs. "well i am off now, it's up to you to wake Axon up. try not to get into trouble today and if you need anything," she stops for a moment, thinking. "well you can try to find me among the numerous shops in town but good luck"

the door closes loudly a minuet later and the room fills into silence. "stop kicking me" Sting's complaint is muffled by the many pillows and blankets.

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