S01E03 - Friendly Encounter

Start from the beginning

"What the hell was that!" I asked from Ryan after things got settled down. He was looking back at the road through the window, so I did the same. A girl of our age was standing in the middle of the road, with the sight of terror in her face.

"A girl." He said. "I almost went through her."

"She looks like she needs our help." I said.

Ryan kept his silence for a second.

"Maybe," He said. "But we can't help her."

"What?" I asked surprised. "Why?"

"She's a burden. We have enough problems." He said.

"Dude, we are NOT leaving her to die." I stated.

He kept his eyes on me as he thought.

"Alright." He said leaning back and grabbing the shotgun from under the seat. "But if some shit happened—which is definitely going to—it's on you."

He reloaded the weapon and got out of the SUV. I checked my weapon which had four bullets, then left the vehicle as well.

"Hey there!" Ryan called the girl, taking gentle steps towards her on the empty warm road.

I kept my eye on the surroundings—but failed to notice any danger.

"Are you okay?" I asked from the frightened girl.

"Yes, do you have food?" She asked back.

Ryan stopped leaving some good space between us and the girl.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yes—but I'm hungry and wounded." She said.

"Are you bitten?" He asked.

"No!" She said. "Do you have like—other people with you?"

"No it's just us—you can join us if you want." I offered my welcomes. I saw Ryan looking at me with a sense of disappointment and disagreement.

I noticed the difference on her emotions. She wasn't scared and frightened anymore. She ran her hand to her back as we stood there, keeping our guard up. Next thing I knew, she was pointing a gun at us.

"Leave your stuff and get the hell out of here." She said.

Amazed and alarmed by our new friend's response, we both took our guns to our eye level and aimed at her in return.

"I've killed a tough old man and his bastard of a son. A nice little lady like you?" Asked Ryan. "What a shame."

"Big talks for a nerd." Said the girl.

"Look, gangster girl!" Ryan said. "It's two to one."

"Really? Because it feels like one to zero. Cause this is kinda too much of a range for your shotgun and that chicken is shivering." She said making me feel uneasy.

"Trust me—I'll make it." I said trying my best to calm my hand and aim at her head.

"You'd be stupid to shoot here. These houses are filled with those freaks." She said. I observed the scheme of houses rolling my eyes, that was built along the road. It was endless. She could've been right. "Now step away from the truck, or start war!" She commanded.

"We could've gone leaving you, but we stopped to help you." I said trying to win her over, because the way it was heading could've turned worse for any of us—or all of us. "Is this how you repay us?"

"And I also like to point out that not only we could've gone leaving you, we could'vegone through you as well." Said Ryan.

"Oh yeah? What did you expect? A cookie for helping the scared little girl?" She said bending her neck. That was when I realized that she was actually a very attractive girl. But the situation was too serious to find mates.

"Well you put up quite a show—and we need all the help we get. Each and everyone of us." I said feeling as if I was a professional peacemaker, or a tactical player.

"Yeah? How are you gonna help me?" She asked biting her lips.

"We can look after each other's backs and try to survive!" I said.

"I won't end up babysitting you two will I?" She asked.

"Why don't you find out?" I said.

She lowered her weapon. I did the same soon after but Ryan held his posture.

"Alright—then I'll come." She said walking over.

"Don't move!" Warned Ryan.

"Do you even have ammo in that?" She asked doing as he said.

Ryan looked at me as if he was asking my opinion, to leave her or take her. I knew she could be a possible threat to us. I knew she couldn't be trusted. But the way she trusted us, I felt as if we owed her the same in return. Even though she acted like a tough girl no one could've survived the horror that dwelt among the city by themselves. And quite honestly, my decision was affected by my aroused mind and sudden affection towards her.

"It's okay." I said placing my hand on the shotgun, hinting Ryan to lower it. He followed my decision with a disappointing look on his face.

"I hope you know what you're doing." He murmured.

"She's a girl—I think we'll be alright."

"She's a bitch—and I'll have no problem putting a bullet in her head." He said so she could hear him.

"Listen, assholes." She said taking our attention. "There are people watching us—we gotta get the hell out of here."

"People?" I asked.

"We don't have time. Let's go!"

She said passing her unsettling mood to both of us as well. We walked fast to our truck, trying to figure out the new change. Ryan stood on the road for awhile, then he followed us as well.

"Hold it right there!" We heard a grumpy voice from behind. We all put breaks to ourselves.

"Turn around!"

I slowly turned around and took a gander at our new opponent. There were five guys armed with shovels, knives and hatchets. One of them was holding a rifle, which was pointed right at me.

"Billy!" Yelled the girl. "I'm leaving."

"If any one of you get in the vehicle, I'll blow the tires out." He warned.

We all stood there without moving, deciding our next step.

"We gotta go right now!" The girl whispered to us.

"He has a clean shot—there's no way we're leaving!" Ryan whispered back.

I stood there, deciding our fate.


Glad that you are staying on! Enjoy, there is much more!

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