Chapter Nineteen: The Bite

Start from the beginning

    Daniella was terrified. James had the upper hand here and Dani knew that. James could easily end both of their lives in one quick motion...but he wouldn't. He likes the hunt. The fight of the weak prey, against the unmatchable predator. James wanted her to try to fight him, to try to run away. It's what made the hunt worth it for him. It was what gave his hunger the satisfaction it craved.

    Dani knew there wasn't a way out of this for her, but she still had hope for her sister. Her sister wasn't a fighter. Bella would never be able to do this, and they both knew that. She looked to her frightened twin, each coming to an understanding about what was going to happen. Then Daniella took action, shoving James away and catching him off guard.

"They have nothing to do with this!" Dani spoke, standing protectively in front of her sister. James recovered from his momentary shock and smirked at the 'bravery' of the young, human girl.

"Oh, they will. Jasper's rage over your harm? Edward's undying need to protect Bella? It will make for a more..interesting fight than their weak attempts to keep you two safe." James' tone was cold, yet it had a sense of danger and humor at the same time.

    While James was distracted by his monologue, Dani pepper sprayed him once again. Pushing Bella toward the door as they ran. James landed right in front of them, with an amused look on his face, he grabs Isabella and flings her across the studio. Daniella watched in horror as she smashed hard into the base of a pillar.

"Bella!" Dani yelled, running over to check on her sister. She dropped down beside her and checked her over and found that her head was bleeding profusely. "Damn it!" Dani cursed. She stood, hearing James' footsteps near them.

"Beautiful! I chose my stage well, huh?" He smirked. Dani glared as she walked closer to him.

"Leave my family alone!" She yelled at him. James shoved her back into a mirrored wall, it breaking from the impact of her body. Dani fell into a pile of the shattered glass, feeling it cut into her body, but she couldn't stop. She had to do something. Daniella stood and stepped closer to James wiping the blood from her cut cheek.

"Still so stubborn, aren't you? Is that what makes you so special to them? Because honestly, I don't see it." He was trying to hurt her, emotionally. It wouldn't work.

"Keep trying James. I've been putting myself down like this for years. There's nothing you can say to me that I haven't already told myself a thousand times." Daniella spoke. James glared at the smirking teen. This was new for him. A human has never taunted him like this before. Dani could tell she had suprised him. She tilted her head slightly, a playful, yet taunting smile crossed her features. "What's the matter James? Are you suprised that I'm not as afraid of you as you'd like me to be?" She asked circling around him. "What are you afraid of James?"

    That struck a nerve. James growled, lurching at Daniella and throwing her across the room, in a fit of rage. Dani hit a pillar and fell onto the ground with an agonizing cry of pain. Her rib was definitely damaged by that. She laughed looking up at James.

"That it? I thought you were a hunter. 'Absolutely lethal'? I'm not sure the rumors are true." She teased at him. James grabbed her by the hair and pulled her up. He inhaled as if he could taste her blood already.

"It too bad Jasper didn't have the strength to turn you. Instead, he kept you as this fragile, weak, little human. It's pathetic." James seethed, dropping her next to her sister. Dani saw the look on Bella's face, she instantly knew that she had a concussion. Before Daniella could stop him, James crushed Bella's leg with his tight grip. The pain filled scream that erupted from Bella infuriated Daniella immensely. James shoved the camera in Bella's face, telling her to tell Edward to avenge her.

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