Thirty Five

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“Alright.” Jungkook sighed, running a hand through his hair. “We have to go about this very carefully. And we won’t have a lot of time to do it, either.” Jungkook began, taking a seat around the table where everyone else was already seated. “My father is someone who takes what he wants, when he wants, and he maintains his control using fear. He has many connections, and even though I’ve made something of a name for myself, I know that he has a lot more supporters than I do. The problem comes when we’re outnumbered and he also has something he can hold over our heads and threaten us into complacency with.”

“So he can’t know we’re making a move, at all.”

“Which is why we can’t involve anybody but ourselves.” Jungkook sighed out, agreeing immediately with Yoongi’s words. “I’m one hundred percent certain that half of my spies are under his payroll, and have been reporting to him my every move since I was given my position. He has a need to always be in control, and he has the means to maintain it.”

“So you’re saying that it’s going to have to be six to however many men your father has under his control?”

“Seven, if Seokjin agrees to help us.” Jungkook muttered.

“He has no obligation to help you, Jungkook, why would he? He’d be risking his own life.”

“It’s hurtful that you think so lowly of me.” The men all turned to find Seokjin, leaning against the door frame to the meeting room. “Of course I’m going to help. Yoonbin is a special little boy, and he deserves to have a normal life. And I don’t want him to grow up like you did, Jungkook, I would never wish than on someone, even my greatest enemies. What your father did to you was wrong, and Yoonbin isn’t even of his blood, they have no relation, so it will be even harder for him.” Jungkook nodded in thanks, and motioned for Jin to join them at the table.

“So what’s the plan then?”

“We’ll have to do something within this week. But my father will also have more security set in place, because he’s going to know that at least one of us are going to try and get Yoonbin. I don’t know if he suspects me or not, but we will assume he knows everything at all times. The minute you underestimate him is the minute you die. Okay?”

“Okay. So what’s the game plan?”

“Well have to get some of those bombs you made, Taehyung, do you think you can make more? The facility my father bases himself in is nearly indestructible from most explosives or anything, but I believe you can create something strong enough to remedy that.”

“What does the facility look like?”

“Well, you know how I hide mine under my home in a large basement? I stole that idea from him. But unlike mine, his is a military grade bunker, with state of the art security systems.”

“Isn’t yours?” Taehyung asked, curious. Jungkook shook his head, turning to the tv screen at the head of the room, turning it on and displaying a blueprint of a house.

“I don’t have land mines and heat sensors a mile in every direction of the house. I don’t have specially trained men, hiding around the perimeter of the house, and I certainly didn’t base everything in the middle of a forest where snipers hide in the trees, guns already at the ready.”

Taehyung nodded, studying the facility closely. “But is the interior set up similarly to yours? Because then we only have to worry about the exterior, getting inside.”

“I designed mine exactly like how I remembered his to be. But he could’ve changed it. I haven’t stepped foot in there for years.”

“But based off of what you’ve told us…” Jimin began. “He most likely hasn’t. You said he’s someone who likes control, which means he’s most likely a creature of habit. He won’t like the change, it’ll feel too strange to him, somewhere that will take him too long to know the inside out of, somewhere he’s not used to. And he probably would not want to be somewhere where there’s even a slight chance of him being thrown out of power.”

“But let’s say for a minute that he had changed things up.” Taehyung countered. “What happens then?”

“The we play it by ear.  This whole entire thing will either go well, or we’re all going to die. There’s no other option. Because this won’t just be a rescue Yoonbin mission. My father will come back if we simply take Yoonbin and go, and the next time he does, we won’t be able to stop him. We have to kill him while we’re there.”

“And how do you propose we kill him?”

“I don’t really care.” Everyone turned their attention to Taehyung. “I don’t care how he dies, I’ll fucking shoot him myself if I have to. I just want a Yoonbin safe.”


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