05 | September 3rd, 1976

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Chapter Five

September 3rd, 1976

The Marauders had an awful habit of entering places in such obnoxious ways that it had become tradition. As their entrances always warranted way too many head turns.

It had been the first night back at Hogwarts, and the boys were itching to get their plan in place. The letters of invitation had been sent out the moment Sirius had his epiphany.

The room of requirement had made the perfect party setting; the rumpus room in the Potter's Manor and the beautiful balcony attached to the glorious room.

The clock was rounding ten and the moment they had stepped inside, the sound of the rain outside had disappeared instantly.

"Merlin's beard, Minny is going to be pissed if she catches us," James murmured with a chuckle.

"I know but firewhisky is easy to dispose of quickly plus we have to stake out the best of the best. What other ways than fun party tricks?" Sirius commented, reminding him the pros outweighed the cons.

"Good point," Remus chimed in. "Great idea disguising a party as a way to analyse people for your personal gain," He tactlessly added with a roll of his eyes.

"The public gain," Peter added, shrugging as he seemingly reminded the other three of the impending war.

They needed a special card up their sleeves to win the war against He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named - the Marauders were that.

"This party is going to be great, I believe our best yet." James said, changing the topic completely.

He hated that the war brought down even the liveliest of moods.

Sirius flashed a mischievous smirk as he eyed the crowd as everybody began entering. Almost everybody invited had showed up. Their parties were legendary and the cohort knew not to miss one.

"Now, Moony."

Remus quickly casted a charm that made even this room unfindable unless you were a guest. They couldn't risk any unwanted arrivals messing up the ridiculous plan the boys had.

It wasn't long before the music began and the party began bumping. Butterbeer was passed around between the many occupants that had been specifically selected for the Marauder's party.

Each individual brought something to the table and it was up to the boys to find out just how and who brought something worth while.

"You invited Evans, right?" James asked, attempting to seem casual but the truth was, he was anything but.

Sirius smirked, pointing over to the corner where Evans was hiding with the Gryffindor girls. He spotted a familiar blonde and his heart sank.

A weird feeling erupted in his stomach - guilt; for the way he had treated her for the last couple years. He never meant for her to catch feelings or to get hurt.

She had promised not to care, but they both couldn't predict how their love affair would end.

The disaster that it was, Sirius was taking complete responsibility of it.

"Of course, who do you take me for?" He asked with a chuckle, beginning to walk over to the direction.

His arm hooked with James' and he dragged the both of their feet over to the two of them.

They were spotted in a second and both the girl's pretty features turned sour. It would've been enough to deter any man - even Sirius, but James was a lot more stubborn than that.

He plastered on a wide smile, ready to charm the ladies.

"Hello lovely ladies," Sirius purred with a wink, pretending everything was normal.

"How are my favourite Gyrffindors doing?" James asked with a cheeky smirk.

"What do you guys want?" The redhead asked, her eyes flickering over to James.

Her eyes narrowed in on the badge that was pinned to his black robes. It matched the very same one on hers.

The smirk only widened, "It is my style to throw lavish balls when we have important news to share. Is it not, Padfoot?"

Sirius snickered with a nod, "Definitely. Would you like to congratulate my boy on landing Head Boy? What a shock, eh?"

Lily's green eyes widened, with the clear shock she was feeling. She could hardly muster up a proper sentence. She had high hopes that Remus would've been her Head Boy but it made no sense for it to be James.

"How?" Mary started her question and Sirius shrugged back.

"Dumbledore's choice."

"Why?" Lily asked, this time starting directly at James. "What did you do, Potter?"

With his arms raised, he shook his head.

"Nothing, Lily-pad, I swear."

"Don't call me that," the redhead growled, anger sparking in her green eyes.

She began turning away, readying herself to leave the party. She shouldn't have come anyway, but Sirius couldn't afford that to happen.

They needed the brightest witch of their age on their side - it was the only way. She was key to their success.

"Don't go, Evans. I promise we'll leave you alone. Enjoy the party," He hastily commented before grabbing James and heading back to Remus and Peter.

"But I wanted to ask her to dance!"

"No," Sirius said in a rush, trying to explain how important Lily Evans was to their survival.

They needed her or their plan was going to fail. She was the biggest key to ensure success rather than death.

"Moony, tell Prongs why he shouldn't harass Evans."

With a roll of his eyes, Remus simply stated, "You're Head Boy this year, you'll have plenty of chances to win her over but for now, I think friendship is our best option."

"Fine," James begrudging agreed.

"We need to focus now," Sirius said, holding out the Marauders Map.

He was keeping an eye out for any people who passed the room.

The boys had collectively agreed to keep this room a secret and never add it to the map. The room was far too precious to end up in the wrong hands.

"So who've we got first?" He asked, looking over at his favourite werewolf.

"Start with the Hufflepuffs," Remus commented, pointing at the other piece of parchment that was laid out on the table they were seated at.

The parchment held names and each name glowed the moment they entered the room, alerting the boys that each guest had arrived already.

The four boys had spent the remainder of the summer holidays planning tonight.

It had to go off without a hitch.

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