03 | August 14th, 1976

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Chapter Three

August 14th, 1976

After staying a few days at Mary's, Sirius had decided it was more than enough time to confront his best friend with the unpleasant news.

It was time to explain how he had managed to denounce his name, inheritance and somehow shed his old identity all in the span of hours.

It was the right choice but it had definitely been a difficult one.

Mary hadn't probed him about his confession a couple nights prior which he was thankful for. He wasn't ready to tell her what he had done.

Sirius didn't think he trusted her enough to let her see the parts of him that were much more than just vulnerable. If he told her, he wouldn't be able to keep her at arms length.

The plan was to keep her far away, not close.

As he slowly munched on the food Tiky, the Mcdonald's house elf, had given him, he thought about his options.

Tiky knew Sirius quite well. She always prepared his favourite types of food whenever she saw him.

"Thanks, Tiky," Sirius said with a wide smile. Kreacher wasn't half as nice as Tiky by far but he had his own charm about him.

A familiar air about him that meant Sirius could never forget him, even if he never saw Grimmauld Place again.

There was a pang in his heart but he squished it down.

He only really loved Regulus and he was sure his brother wouldn't reject him but for now, he had to lay low.

Sirius was coming back for him.

That was a promise.

"Is your father home today?" Sirius asked, having only really bidding his time so he could floo to the Potter's.

With a smirk, Mary shook her head.

"You don't have to leave," She said, batting her eyelashes.

On the second day of staying, Mary's resolve had obviously crumbled and she had tried to seduce him but to no avail, Sirius had stayed strong.

There was a reason he had ended it.

Their affair had gone on far too long.

He was breaking free from anything that tied him to the pure blood society. He was going to do life as just Sirius, not with the Black name attached to him.

He was going to be a new man, a much better one than those that have come before him.

The decision had already been made inside of his mind.

"I'm sorry, Mcdonald but I meant what I said that day," he started his goodbye, but he intended for it to be a clear message.

Her lower lip began trembling, she knew what this was.

The final break up.

There would be no more Mary and Sirius, even if it was only between the two of them. This was what Sirius wanted but he knew she cared for him despite his warnings for her not to get too attached.

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