07 | September 4th, 1976

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Chapter Seven

September 4th, 1976

It was just a little after midnight when the two walked back into the Room of Requirement. All heads snapped to them, confusion etched onto everybody's faces.

Arlene Archeletta would not normally be seen walking beside Sirius Black as if they were old friends. They were usually on opposite sides of the room, either glaring or hexing the other for the fun of it.

But there was something new in the air; an evident truce.

The brunette girl had magicked away the imperfections before they had arrived, ensuring her secret was kept hidden a little longer.

Not a single speck of hair was out of place in her flowing curls. Her hazel eyes alight with determination, knowing far more about what was to come than any of the other guests.

Sirius looked over at their resident music player, Jonathan Parker, nodding for him to quiet down the music.

It was finally time for action.

James walked up to the middle of the dance floor to be in step with his best mate. He pointed at his throat with his wand and enchanted his voice to boom across the large room.

"As you all should know by now, I am your Head Boy by some strange coincidence. I figured it would be fitting for me to finally reveal what tonight is about!" He started as he adjusted his glasses, feeling a tad nervous because his next words would determine everything.

"We have all heard the rumours - there is a war just beyond Hogwarts' borders. It is time we make our last year count for something. We must prepare if we wish to survive."

Sirius nodded, cutting in, "This is why we have assembled the brightest minds among us. We all have a fine role to play in ensuring the lot of us survive these coming years."

"Now is your chance to leave if you don't want to join us in taking back our world. There is no room for those that aren't serious about surviving," Remus commented, coming to stand beside his friends, in an act of union.

Peter followed on in silence as he stood behind them. It was clear he would be joining them too.

In a matter of moments, those too drunk to walk correctly or form coherent thoughts seemed to stagger out as if the party had fizzled with the announcement.

The Marauders' faces fell in disappointment, fearing that their plan was indeed far too stupid to even bother completely revealing.

But for each person who left, some stayed behind.

In the end, only ten faces stared back at them with the same amount of enthusiasm and determination to succeed.

A lot of the same people who shared interest for the Order of the Phoenix when whispers speculated at the end of their Sixth Year. It was clear what side they would be dedicating their lives to.

Sirius faltered for a second, seeing their numbers dwindle so low when starting out so high. He looked to James for reassurance that their plan could indeed amount to something.

Sensing his friends' uncertainty, Remus began talking once more, "Our plan is to meet here in secret once a week to practice our skills and spells. Every week until graduation and then we will be tested in the field. Only the strong will survive."

His words barely made the others blink.

"We are in," Lily exclaimed, gesturing to her friends beside her.

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