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Why am I so fucking stupid? Why did I let Monica get into my head again? And why have to confess to Sandra like that? I bet I made her feel cheap and I definitely need to apologize to her. I also need to do it before the Business Trip which is tomorrow because I don't want us to be awkward around each other. To be honest I felt hurt because she told me to stay away from her. I want Sandra. I will get her too.But first I need too do what I have to do. I also had a dozen roses sent to her as I talk now. 

It was supposed to arrive by now so I would just pretend to go to the bathroom just so I could pass by her office. As i was passing her office I saw her smiling to herself and smelling the roses. 'Henry- 1' I thought to myself. As I stood by her open door she did not notice me yet so I gave a light knock on her door. She looked up startled like she got caught with her hand in the cookie jar. I wanted to laugh at that but I contained myself. "Sir?" she stopped what she was doing and fixed herself on the chair. No need to be so professional my darling.

"I came to apologize for everything that happened yesterday except for confessing to you because I really like you.....I was being truthful" 

"You sure have a funny way of showing it then" she said. Once again I cursed myself.

"I know and I am sorry....I see you like the flowers that I sent you" I continued and that just may have been the mistake I made because her expression turned sour as she dumped the flowers in the bin. My heart cracked. What more can I do? I then decided that I had enough disappointment for today.

"Well I guess that I am sorry for sending those flowers too" I said awkwardly. I turned to leave but then I was stopped with a defeated sigh from Sandra.

"I guess we can be civil seeing that the business trip is tomorrow and we don't need it to be awkward between us" she said thinking exactly what i came to tell her. Great minds think alike i guess.

"OK no problem....I will be there to pick you up tomorrow to go to the airport" I told her

"But you don't know where I live"

"Oh trust me I do " I told her with a wink causing her to blush.

I was now at home packing for the trip and all I could think about was how Sandra would be coming with me. She looked like the kind of person that was not interested in luxurious things but that's not an excuse because I mad her book the best room at the Five Star Hotel that we will be staying at. I wish I could lavish her with all the fancy things that women like, after all I have the money for it. She deserves all the diamonds in the world.

Going downstairs, I saw that Macy was sitting on the sofa with her feet under her but what made me approach her was the far away look she had on her face. She was in deep thought. "Hey baby, whats wrong" I told her making her jump a little. Her face turned red with embarrassment.

" If I tell you...you will get upset"  she whispers

"You can tell me anything baby, I thought you knew that" I told her. I mean we pratically shared everything. 

" Well, Gavin asked me to have sex today because he said that all the girls in my class have done it....the girls also told me they had done it for true and I wanted to do it also...I am so sorry Daddy' she started to cry. This  broke my heart. How the fuck could these children act like sex is nothing and its a game of who has done it or not. I need to have a conversation with these parents.

" Its OK baby..don't make anybody pressure you into something that you don't want to do. If you feel like these girls are not the people you want to be around, you can always change your group of friends. I also heard you say that you wanted to do it and I understand that because you are a teenager and you hormones are raging right now but that does not mean you need to do it. I don't want to you to regret the decisions you make." I told her. In reality I wanted to go down on my knees and beg her not to have sex. I need her to be my baby forever. Yes I was selfish like that.

She then nodded her head and snuggled up to me.I then chose to remind her of the trip.

" So, the Business Trip is tomorrow, and that means you have to stay at Grandma's...she actually misses you and would like the company. My mother lived a state over and tends to try to keep herself busy by joining all the the groups in the church. After the loss of my sister, she has closed off herself. She loves baking for the children's orphanage that I donate to every month. Macy loves her grandmother dearly and I know it will be good for her.

" I love Gran so I will bake a hundred cupcakes if she wants me to" she says gleefully. "Will she be there"? she then asks with a little hostility in a voice that has me surprised. I fully knew who she was talking about but I asked anyway,

"You know who Dad" she says with a drawl look on her face. With a defeated sigh and a small smile on the corner of my lips, I nod at her.

"Yes , she will after all she is my PA." I reminded her. Macy's face turned sour as if she just ate a slice of lemon. Did she not like her that much?

"I still don't like her " she voiced but I decided to put her in her place.

"Its not right to dislike someone that has done nothing to you Macy, I thought I raised you better than this" I scolded her. I could honestly count on one hand that I used my authoritative voice with Macy but this was the second time that she said she did not like Macy and I could not make her think that it was OK. As much as I loved her, I felt like I sometimes let her get away with this growing attitude of hers. She mush not have expected me to be so firm because she actually jumped. She then removed my arms from around her and she trotted up the stairs only for her bedroom door to slam shut. In times like these I would not mind a little help in raising a teenager.

When I made my way to the kitchen , I saw our cook making dinner already so I told her to bring Macy's dinner up to her room. I then took a shower and decided to text Tim.

Henry: whats up man

Tim: my dick...about to be sucked....in a strip club haha

Henry: thought you changed these ways ....thought you had an eye on a certain someone

Tim: had to move ...so had to break up

Henry: sorry bro ...hope things work out if you decided to come back

Tim: i hope so...at least i hope that you are doing better than me should i get a wedding invitation soon...haha

Henry: Working up to that...slowly but surely

Tim: good for you...now stop cock blocking me

Henry: ok manwhore

I then worked on some files ,  recheck everything for tomorrow and then went to bed.

My alarm work me up at five a.m. the next morning. After I did my morning routine I peeked my head, entering Macy's room to see that she was sleeping deeply. I brushed a lock of hair from a face and saw dries tear stain on her face. She cried herself to sleep. I felt like I was not doing enough for my daughter. I think there is something else going on with her because she is starting to act out. I bend down to kiss her soft cheeks, and still could not believe how big she's gotten.

When i had gotten dressed, I called my mother and told her to drop Macy off at school this morning since she would be spending time with her. Just maybe she would tell my mother about what she's going through. I felt that Macy needed a female's opinion in her life. My mind goes to one person but then it shuts down because this is the one person that Macy does not like.

Rolling my suitcase to the front of my driveway, my driver took it from my hand putting it in the trunk. I gave him Sandra's address but when we arrived she was not outside . Maybe she overslept so being the gentleman that I was, I decided to knock on her apartment door. I was not expecting her to open the door yelling at someone name Justin for being late to help her pack  and I was definitely not expecting her to open the door wearing a see through tank top and lace panties. And let me tell you, for someone who has seen their fair share of half naked bodies, this one was the best. 

"S-sir"? Thats's all I heard before the door was slammed hard in my face but instead of being offended, I could not help the stupid grin that appeared on my face.

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