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So if I told you that Sandra and I was married, would you believe me? I guess not. So let me tell you how that happened. After the incident, where she saw me putting on my clothes , she told me that it was payback. Ok fair enough. During our trip, I got the courage to as her out and she told me no. I did not give up because, come on, its me. So then when we got back to work on our regular schedule, I asked again and finally she told me yes. I treated her to a first class restaurant and we had our first kiss and let me tell you ,it was nothing like i imagined. It was better.

She told me that she was getting bad vibes from Macy and It was accurate. Macy did not like her at all. She would try to make me miss the dates that I planned with Sandra, make me miss out on calling her when we were not in office. She even responded to a text harshly, pretending that it was me. Sandra being the smart person that she was immediately knew that It was not me.

All that stuff and I did not confront Macy. I acted like I did not know. But the one time I did not tolerate it was when she went and dug up personal things in Sandras past like the history with her mother, I had to draw the line. I told her that I was disappointed in her and that she had to grow up. I raised my voice at her and that caused her to re-evaluate herself. She needed to know what time it was. I could remember her face just crumbling and tears pouring down her face. If I was not strong, I would just comfort her, but she needed to realize that she was acting like a brat.

She then broke down and started explaining that the reason behind it was because she thought I would love her less and give Sana all my attention. That honestly took me by surprise because I was never expecting Macy to be thinking like that and again, I had to explain to her that I had enough love for both of them. Eventually that passed and then she was warming up to Sandra. I believe they will be best of friends soon. 

On our third date, we had sex. Ok now a lot of you guys are thinking that maybe it was too soon but Sandra made it pretty clear to me that she wanted it , If you count removing my clothes as soon as we entered her apartment. I remember how her skin felt so smooth in my hands, nice perky breasts that I sucked and dont ask for her pussy. Clean shaven and sweet tasting. As soon I was latched onto her clit she cummed like it was raining. I also found out that she was a virgin. Like can you believe that. I was honored to be the first and hopefully the last to enter that tight pussy. She cried yes, but I allowed her to take it at her pace. In the end I made love to her and she enjoyed it very much. 

So after three months of dating, I got to meet her best friend Justin, who happened to be the same guy that my best friend is still obsessing about. Tim told me that he will be coming back to the city to live so that he can be together with Justin. He is willing to surprise him. 

So, today marks the fourth month since we started dating and I bought Sandra  diamond necklace but I am nervous. Will she think that its too flashy? She hated when I spend money on her. She likes the independence and I respect that but all this money that i have is to spoil her rotten. She will soon realize this. 

As I entered her office, I realize that she is typing furiously at her laptop while bobbing her head to some music...probably Taylor Swift...her favorite artist.

She then lifted her head and smiled. I loved her smile.

"Hey babe" I whispered as I kissed her lips lightly.

"Hi, whats up" she replied, closing her laptop.

I opened the blue shiny box to reveal the necklace and she opened her mouth, not to thank me, at least not yet....but before she could ask me the price I spin her on the chair and then clasp the necklace around her neck. When I spun her back around I realized that she had tears in her eyes.

"This is too expensive" she cried.

"Only the best for you baby , just say that you like it."

" I love it and I love you" she told me , bringing my head down so that she could steal a proper kiss. And of course a kiss can't  never end in just a kiss. So I went over to the door to lock it and then grabbed her skirt to pull it up, taking out her blue thong. I then place her on the desk, spread her legs and sank my cock into her wet hot pussy.

"Arhh" she cried , fisting my pants leg as if squeezing my clothes will take away the pleasure. Before I knew it, I was cuming inside her and when I realize what I just done, I started to panic.

"I am so sorry, I didnt mean to-"

"Stop, its okay" she said suddenly..." I mean it is not okay but, whatever happen happens."she shrugged.

"Are you sure"? 

"Yes baby"

I was surprised that she approached this so calmly. Was I ready for a baby if it came down to that?

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