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Riiiiiiiiinnnnngggggggg. "ugh" . Who the hell would be calling me so early in the morning? "Hello?"

"Happppppppyyyyy Birrrthdddaaaayyyy" Justin screamed in my ear. So much for sleeping in. Yes as you have guessed today is my birthday, which is Saturday and Henry is throwing me a birthday party at his house later tonight, which is why I schedule Justin to have me for the whole day but I mean come on its too damn early. My day does not start until ten in the morning and it is just six am.

"Justin, I still want to sleep....and thanks." I groaned into my pillow miserable. Lately, I have been feeling so tired especially in the morning and this morning is no different. 

"Get dressed because I am taking you to breakfast and we are gonna shop till we drop" he sang playfully.

I really don't know if my body will be able to take all this activity today but I said nothing to him. Justin is the ind of person who gets hurt quickly especially if he wants to spoil you and you make up excuses. So, I pulled myself out of bed and told him to pic me up in half an hour.

I jumped in the shower to wipe the sleep out of my eyes and so that I can relax better. I then brushed my teeth and started looking through my closet. I picked out a blue cut-up skinny jeans but it just would not zip. Huh. Strange. Was I gaining weight?. I then settled on a loose fitting romper with a nice pair of sandals and a matching small purse. I made sure I had all my bank cards. I knew Justin will throw a fit but I will just try my hardest to sneak the cashiers my card first. Just imagining the expression he is going to make puts a cheeky smile on my face.

Since today was my day, I decided to let down my curly black hair and hold it from my face with a head band. I was ready to go.

Five minutes later I walked down to meet Justin in the paring lot texting on his phone with a stupid grin which I know is reserved for Tim. Yes, Tim will be coming back and I feel so happy foe my friend. Tim told Henry and he told me. He can't keep a secret. Justin does not know yet because Tim will be surprising him on his birthday which is in two months. He just thinks that they have a long-distance relationship for the while.

"Hi love...Happy birthday" he greets me getting of out the vehicle to kiss me on my cheeks.

"Thanks for the millionth time" I told him playfully. 

I then entered the passenger seat and then my phone rang making me blush. "Hi baby , Happy birthday" Henry told me. "Thanks babe, I will be spending the day with Justin"

"Okay baby, have fun and remember I have to tell you something tonight, I love you".

"I love you too".

As I put away my phone my mind kept wondering what he wanted to tell me. I was nervous because I had no idea. I still cant believe that we are together. Henry is the love of my life and I would not want to have it any other way. Some people might even say that we were moving too fast and I just could not see it so. We loved each other very much. After our third date we had sex because we had a deep connection so I said to myself, 'why wait'. Sex was great. I mean the things this man can do with his tongue is mind blowing. My first time was special. He had rose petals, wine and soft music. It was very romantic. I honestly did not peg him as the romantic type but I love that it was a surprise. He took his time and gave me pleasure like I never experienced before. From that night I think I became a sex freak because every time I saw him I just wanted him to fuck me senseless. And he  had no problem with it too. I mean how could I not , this man was the finest. From those six- pack abs down to those strong muscular thighs and well endowed cock. My favorite part. He is a God. And I worship him the same way he worships me.

"If you are done fantasizing the size of your boyfriends cock , you might want to tell me where you want to eat breakfast" Justin smirking bringing me out of my daydream.

"Oh Uh...there is a cafe two blocks from here" I answered still dazed and slightly confused.

"Oh Uh sure" Justin mocked me. 

I just started laughing. 

So the day passed by we shopped for necessary and unnecessary things. Justin caught me trying to sneak the cashier my card and he scolded me and took it away from me. In the end he still paid for everything. 

Now I am just opening the door to my apartment, and my stomach become upset. I dropped all my bags and rush to the bathroom so I can throw up. Must have been all the food I ate today. I think to myself. 

Opening the cabinet to take some Advil, my eyes lock on the box of pads which were unopened and I freeze. Right away I reach for my phone and open up my Flo App to see that I am  am one week late. I felt light headed for a minute , so I dragged myself to seat on the floor. Could this be what I think it is? Oh God. I know the last time children came up Henry said that he was okay with it but was he really okay with it? 

So many things were running through my mind.  One thing was that I had to be sure so I ran to the nearest store to pick up ten different home pregnancy tests. I mean all ten cant be lying right?

As soon as I arrived home , I peed on all ten of them and put them faced down to wait for the results. In the meantime, I texted Justin to pic me up for the party instead of Henry. I was too nervous. To distract me, I showered , put on a white of the shoulder dress that showed off my curves and a pair of red heels with rhinestones littered at the front.

I put on some light foundation, and red lipstick to match my shoes and a red clutch. My hair was pinned up with some curls framing my face. As I looked at my self in my mirror, I pictured myself as a mother and my heart was warmed by the idea. I always wanted to be a mother because y mother was a horrible one . I wanted to be better than my mother at this whole parenting thing. Henry would also be a great father because the proof is with Macy. She is a loving young woman. She was not at first , don't get me wrong because she saw me as a threat. When Henry explained to her that he had enough love for all of us she relaxed at the idea. 

Would Macy be happy with a little brother or sister? All these thoughts made me more nervous and before I knew if tears were running down my face, I felt lie was having a panic attack but then I felt arms around me which caused me to calm down instantly. Justin.

"Babe, whats wrong, you are ruining your make-up" he scolded me lightly"

I just came out and tell him straight because I told Justin everything about my life.

"I think I am pregnant". I told him waiting for a scolding about how it was too soon but all I got was a giddy grin. 

" I am going to be an uncle' he shouted. He actually looked excited. 

' I am afraid to take a look at the tests" I told him but he just brushed it off. took all ten tests into his hands. even if  they had my urine on them. Crazy Justin. I could see him watching each one with a smile. It was like each one he saw his smile got wider and wider. Then it was the last one and I swore he just won the lottery.

"You're pregnant" he shouted. I think my heart just overloaded on joy, because all I could do was cry. These were definitely tears of joy.

Wait till, I tell Henry the news.

When I Look At YouМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя