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When I woke up, all I could feel was something heavy, weighing my head down. Then it was like my mouth had never tasted so bitter. Also,my throat felt like it was cutting. What happened last night? All I remembered was my mother and her husband leaving for two weeks vacation because of their anniversary and I was so happy that I told Justin we need to go out.

I needed water. Trying to shift my body was easy because it's like a could was beneath me. Suddenly I started feeling a cold breeze which led me to open my eyes and I wish I did sooner because I think I was in heaven.
White ceiling, decorated with a sparkly chandelier. Paintings decorated the walls also. They actually looked familiar. And then I felt it again. A breeze on my legs which has me looking down , only to realize that I was in a t-shirt. What the hell! I suddenly felt panic.

Oh God did I have sex last night? The only thing I could come up with was that I was raped. Oh no no no. That means I am not a virgin anymore? I knew it was a ba-.

The opening of the door startled me from my thoughts.
Looking up, I saw that last person I expected to see my Boss.

"Mr H-Henry" I choked out. This day just kept getting worse it seems. What the actual fuck? I tried to think back to last night but it was as if my mind was blocked. Suddenly I just felt rage inside.
How could he take advantage of me like that?

"Did you rape me"? I questioned raising my voice slightly, ignoring the drums beating on my skull .

" What? Why the hell would you ask me that"? He asked taking a step back as if what I just asked burned him.

I was just realizing that he was holding a large tray with a glass of Orange juice, a mug of coffee, a plate of fruits and a breakfast sandwich. And he was also shirtless.....and good looking. Not the time for this!

He then place the tray on the bedside table and featured with his hands so I picked up the glass of water and I drank it in one go. That's better.

I then turned to face him still angry. I needed to get to the bottom of this situation. I mean here I was in something but a t-shirt which clearly belonged to him.

"I am in -what I assume is your t-shirt, in your house, and you think I will not want an explanation? I think you took advantage of me".
He then started shaking his head in disbelief, only to leave the room and returned with what appears to be my dress from last night and my heels. He dropped it on the bed turning away from me to walk away.
He then turned to look at me once again and he looked  as if he was ready to blow. And that he did.

" You know, for a minute there I thought I was actually doing you a favor by fighting that guy at the club of you, and having the decency to take you back to my place for safety. You even vomitted on me "twice". And I still sat in this chair with you all night to prevent to from choking on your vomit in your sleep and I also made you breakfast- which I never do - for you and because you can't fucking remember anything from lastinght, you wake up in my bed just to accuse me of raping you"? He asked in disbelief.
" At least a fucking 'thank you' would suffice". He ended his rant.

Honestly, I have never felt so embarrassed in my life.. Tears were now streaming down my face. How could I just accused someone like that? He did prevent bad things from happening to me after all.

I needed to apologize. Before I could get a word out, he was heading towards the door once again, only to stop again to say to me "and by the way, if I raped you like you are accusing me, you would feel the pain for days trust me" and then he slammed the door behind him.

Was he insinuating that - You know what nevermind.

All I knew in that moment that I needed to apologize, so I ate some of the fruit and drank the coffee because my stomach could not hold anything else. I then looked around the room to see a door on the left which was the bathroom. I grabbed my dress and changed. He definitely washed this dress. This is why I must apologize. He did all this for me. I don't know why but a smile occupied my lips.

I then left the room in search of the noise from the television. He was definitely rich, judging by this beautiful house. It was just perfect. Soon enough I arrived in the room which the television played. There he was typing away on his laptop, ignoring me, as expected.

He knew I was there but he acted as if I was invisible because he was still angry at me.

It's time to get this over with . But why was I nervous.

"I am so-" I started

" You know what, get the hell out of my house" he said as if I was annoying him. " There is an uber outside waiting for you".

My heart was shattered and my eyes were biting and the tears were falling. I knew I was wrong, but how could he be so mean.

Not wanting to anger him further, I turned around and exited the house.

When I arrived home that's all I could think about. How could I be such an idiot. Sigh. I took a quick shower, cleaned up the house a little bit. Thank God my mother is not home.

When I was done I curled up on my small bed , just thinking.

I needed to move out of this place as soon as possible. I had  two  months salary saved up and I could afford a one-bedroom apartment. I would have to call Justin tomorrow for him to help me get the perfect apartment.

Speaking of Justin, I would have to call him later for him to explain to me what happened last night.

As I was drifting off to sleep,  I could not help but think about Henry changing me into the t-shirt to sleep. It had to be him because the house was empty - or so it seemed.

But what was surprising to myself was that I didn't care if he saw my body.

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