Chapter 13 - Wonder Duo

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"So this is it huh?" Katsuki asked, not really impressed.
"Don't be so negative Kacchan! All Might gave it to us for free you know" Izuku stated, staring at the building with excitement.
"This is a shack on the brink of collapsing. It's a miracle it isn't pulled down yet" Bakugou stated.
"Correction. This is our new hero agency in the perfect location not to far in the center of town but also not to far to the edge! I'm sure we can make it work!"

"If you say so..." Kacchan muttered, still a little sceptical about all this.
"Come on, let's have a look inside!" Midoriya smiled, pulling his boyfriend along. It's been a year since they graduated high school. A year since the incident. A year since Bakugou started as a side kick at Endavour. He and Todoroki could actually have a friendly chat now, that's how bad things were.

Katsuki needed to uphold a public grudge towards him so he couldn't have them getting all friendly with each other. Meanwhile Izuku had been working on their own hero agency. The Wonder Duo Hero Agency. They were almost officially recognized, just a few more details that needed to be arranged.

"This is even worse" Kacchan muttered, looking up to see holes in the ceiling that let you see onto the second floor.
"We'll make it work!" Deku said, confidently.
"I promise we'll turn this into the best hero agency ever!"
"Well... Guess we'll have to..." Bakugou sighed, putting down the radio he was holding.

They came with some suplies to fix the place up but the blond didn't expect it to be this bad.
"Ready to give it your all?"
"Always" Izuku smiled, pushing on a button of the radio, making music play.
"Alright, let's get started" Kacchan said with a small smile.

"This feels like the start of a powered up montage" Deku laughed.
"Hopefully it'll be over as quick as a powered up montage" Bakugou sighed.
"Go to the car and get the stuff, I'll be right there"
"Okay!" Izuku smiled, going back outside.

That was the start of an intense month of renovation. They had to replace the ceiling and second floor entirely. Some walls came down and others went up. Katsuki loved the demolition works and got Kirishima to help out while Deku mainly focused on the design and interior. There was an elevator installed and they discovered a huge basement, which they turned into their private underground parking space with a few adaptions and some more demolition.

Kacchan really loved to smash things to pieces.

When the frame was up, they started painting and furniture came in. The colours were mostly themed the way their hero suits were. So a lot of greens, red and black. Deku decorated and made sure they had room to grow if they needed to. There was a reception desk at the front, some desks in the ground office behind the reception and of course their own 'boss' office upstairs with the addition of a small lounge.

Izuku even made sure to spare a room for himself where he could store his hero notes and quirk information. In the end, all their hard work paid off and their office was finally finished. It was absolutely perfect!

"I told you we'd make it work!" Midoriya smiled, kissing Bakugou as they finished off the project.
"You know, I'd never thought we could actually pull it off but-" the blond smiled, holding the official papers.
"-we did it. The Wonder Duo Hero Agency is open for business!"
Deku squealed, flying into the arms of his boyfriend.

"I'm so happy! We finally get to realise our dream together Kacchan!"
"I fucking know!" Katsuki smiled, hugging the small green bean.
"I fucking love you Deku. This is all thanks to you. Because you never gave up on our dream"
"I love you too Kacchan. And thank you for believing in me when no one else did" Midoriya said with a sad smile.

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