Chapter XI: Yavin IV

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Rey kept shooting the ships fire controls, as the TIE interceptor kept dodging her fire. She then sees the interceptor jump into lightspeed, disappearing into the stars, no longer in her reach.

"Come on!" She yelled furiously, as if this day couldn't get any worse. The interceptor was gone, and there was no way to track it. She then decides to calm down, and trusts in the Force. She closes her eyes, took deep breaths until she was fully calm, and began to trust in the Force. She sees the interceptor, still going through the lightspeed process, but where was it going? She then senses a place, a cold place, where snow covered the whole area. She doesn't know this place, but she can find it. She then turns on the hyperdrive controls and makes the jump to lightspeed, ready to finally bring the pilot to justice.

The Millenium Falcon jumps out of lightspeed, passing a giant red planet and towards the jungle moon of Yavin IV, where an old rebel base lies within the Great Temple. As it flies above the trees they see Star Fighters and freighter ships fly toward the Temple. The Falcon then lands on the outside hangar, the ramp opens as Jacen and Poe quickly walk down it, Kaz and Finn help Chewbacca towards the medical pad, R2 and BB-8 stroll down afterward, meeting up with C-3PO.

"Oh R2-D2, thank the maker you made it back in one piece!" Said C-3PO. R2 beeps his greetings as BB-8 chirps inquisitively, not wanting to be left out. "Don't be so sensitive BB-8, no one has forgotten about you." Said C-3PO.

Jacen was in his assigned quarters, sitting on his bed, recapping the whole fiasco in his head, completely worried about Rey, especially with all that she's been through these past couple of months. He just hopes that he can make it up to her in the long run, but now she knows about his fear about her ending up like Kylo Ren did. The doors open as Finn walks in the quarters.

"Hey." Said Finn, who looked completely worried after witnessing the fight. "I don't know what just happened back on Bespin, but I know you're not handling it very well." Said Finn. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"I don't know." Said Jacen, but opening up seems to be the best option, he can't just mope around for the rest of his life. "Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, fire away." Said Finn.

"What would you do if you knew about your father's mistakes, and afraid that history might repeat itself?" Asked Jacen.

"I...don't really follow." Said Finn.

"I just...I want to live up to the legacy that he restored, but I'm afraid of letting him down...letting everyone down." Said Jacen. "You know, you put the weight of the Galaxy on your shoulders. You help lead the Rebellion, you train the last of the Jedi, and the next thing you know, you're haunted by the thought of messing it all up."

"Jacen, I speak from experience with what I'm about to tell you." Said Finn. "Sometimes, failure can help us learn how to get better than who we were from the past." He said. "You maybe a part of this big legacy, but at the end of the day, you're only human." Said Finn, as Jacen has a confused look on his face.

"...did you just tell me an important lesson?" Said Jacen, as Finn chuckled.

"Oh man, I think I did." He said. "Holy kriff! I must be wise...but I'm serious though." Said Finn, as Jacen takes a deep breath, taking the words in.

"You're right." Said Jacen. "Come to think of it, I guess failure really is the greatest teacher." Jacen retorted.

"Yeah." Finn chuckled, as he stands up from the bed.

"Finn wait!" Said Jacen, Finn stopped on his way. "What was it you wanted to tell me earlier?" He asked.

"Huh? Oh right, that!" Said Finn, about to tell him but Poe enters the room, it seemed urgent.

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