Chapter III: Assigned

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Jacen and Poe stood infront of the holotable, as General Leia Organa explains their mission. BB-8 strolled under the table listening to Leia's orders while C-3PO just walked around the room, checking on the controls.

"Our recons have spotted several Star Destroyers in the Mid Rim system. We're going to need our best pilots to take care of those ships." She said.

"Our Fighters are ready General." Said Poe. "I'll assemble my squadrons."

"It's settled then." Said Leia. "Just don't send in any bombers, Captain Dameron."

"Oh no master Poe! Not another mutiny!" Yelled C-3PO, as Poe puts his palm on his face.

"Thank you Threepio, that'll be all." Said Leia.

"We're never gonna let this go, are we?" He sighed.

"No we are not." Said Leia, as Poe and BB-8 leave the room, Jacen stayed behind. "What's on your mind commander?" Leia asked.

"Oh you know, the typical stuff." Said Jacen. "Training Rey, fighting the First Order, keeping my conflict in check, no news about Kara unfortunately, but I'm doing okay." He finished.

"What happened over there? She seemed pretty angry." Said Leia.

"Just Padawans being Padawans." Said Jacen. "Dad dealt with lots of them, I just don't know how he did it."

"Luke always put the weight of the Galaxy on his shoulders." Said Leia. "He was always too stubborn to give up, I don't think you're an exception." Jacen smiled briefly before he thought of the last time he saw him.

"That's one thing we have in common." Said Jacen, putting his focus back on the subject. "I just don't want to mess it up."

"Jace-." Leia was interrupted as one of the Majors walks in through the doors.

"General-. Oh sorry, I didn't know you were busy." Said the Major.

"We can continue this another time." Said Leia.

"Yeah, of course." Said Jacen, understanding the current situations of this war. He leaves the room, focused on his mission.

"He just doesn't understand." Said Rey, repairing the hyperdrive on the fighter, Finn sat on the crate next to it, paying attention to everything she's saying. "He still treats me like a child."

"He's just looking out for you Rey." Said Finn.

"He doesn't need to, I can handle myself you know." She said.

"Yeah, I know you can." Said Finn. "I admit it, the whole training remote thing is pretty messed up, but he's only doing this to help you become a better Jedi, better than him even."

"But I am better than him." Said Rey.

"Woah, okay, I think you might need to slow down a little." Said Finn.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm acting this way lately." She said, he stands up and walks to her.

"It's okay, whatever it is you can tell me." Said Finn.

"'s something to do with the Force, you wouldn't understand." Said Rey.

"Yeah, I've been told that I didn't know how the Force works." Said Finn. "But I'll try my best." She laughed.

"'s just.....I can't." She said.

"It's okay, you can tell me when you want to." Said Finn. "Just take your time, okay?" He then walks away, assuring her that he is there when she needs help.

"Thanks." Said Rey. He stops and turns his head, with a gentle look on his face.

"Are you gonna be alright?" Said Finn.

"I am now." Said Rey, smiling at him. He smiled back and walks out. She then went back to the fighter to make more adjustments, she doesn't exactly know why she has these angry feelings, but she fears that it might have something to do with Ben and their Force Bond. But that was in the past, and she cut it off...didn't she?

Jacen, Poe, and BB-8, who strolled behind them walk to the main hangar, where X-Wing, A-Wing, and Y-Wing Fighters get prepared. An army of fighter pilots, grouped up in formation, the three of them were in front of their squadron. Ready to give their commands.

"Alright, we have our orders, and we have our fighters, but it's not gonna be enough." Said Poe. "The First Order is relentless when it comes to taking over an entire system, so we're gonna need each other to survive. Commander Skywalker has come up with a strategy of his own." Said Poe, as Jacen steps forward.

"Thank you Captain." Said Jacen. "These destroyers are surrounding the entire system, it's not gonna be easy but I may have come up with a way to take down all three of them at once." He said, as the squadron payed attention. "They May think they're superior, but we are one step ahead. What we need is some explosives, and stealth." Said Jacen. "Now head to your Fighters, and may the Force be with you." Said Jacen as the pilots, including Poe, do exactly as they were told. Jacen heads to his own X-Wing, with a black and blue color scheme, he then hears familiar beeping sounds from behind him. R2D2 strolled towards the ship, ready for action. "I guess retirement didn't suit you, huh?" Said Jacen, knowing R2 full well. He then climbs up the ladder, and into the cockpit, putting on his helmet, and turns on the engines.

"Look alive everyone, we have a battle to win." Said Poe's voice through the fighter's intercom. Jacen then raises the ship, flying it through the shield entry, followed by a group of fighters.

"Let's give them hell." Said Jacen, as the Fighters then jump to lightspeed, jumping to battle.

Star Wars: Son of Skywalker | Book II.V: The War ChroniclesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora