Chapter IV: Battle at Mid Rim

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The Mid Rim system was almost theirs. The Star Destroyers hovered above the planets, guarding it like a swarm of hawks ready to feast upon their prey as a giant asteroid field drifts across the stars. The admiral gave orders to his officers to begin taking over the system, one of them was watching the monitor incase any strikes from the Resistance happen. The screen then starts glitching, then it shuts off. The officer then smacks the monitor rapidly to turn it back on. After a few moments it turns back on, as it was until he notices a minor difference.

"Admiral, we have Resistance ships approaching." Said the officer.

"Just as expected." Said the Admiral in a prideful manner. "How many ships? Twenty five?" He asked.

"No." Said the officer.

"Fifty?" He asked again.


"A hundred?"

"Not even close."

"How many?! Out with it!" The admiral yelled furiously.

"Two." He said.

"Two?!" Let me see!" The admiral demanded, heading towards the monitor, seeing nothing but two enemy fighters on screen. They then see two X-Wing Fighters fly passed the window. "Annihilate them at once!" He yelled.

"You think they saw us R2?" Asked Jacen, as the astromech beeps in a sarcastic remark. "We need to give the fighters more time, it's the only way we can take them down." Said Jacen, as he hears a familiar roar from behind.

"And right on cue." Said Poe's voice through the intercom as a swarm of TIE Fighters come flying from behind. Both X-Wings fly up in a loop, and shoot one of the fighters from behind. "Just like the battle of Malastare!" Said Poe.

"You and I remember Malastare very differently." Said Jacen. The Fighters then fly towards the asteroid field, dodging rocks as a whole army of TIE Fighters chase them down, only for most of them to crash into the rocks.

"Are we blind?!" Yelled the admiral. "Fire the cannons!"

"But sir, the ships are at a too small rang-."

"Did I stutter Lieutenant?" Asked the admiral in a menacing tone.

"No sir." Said the officer.

"Then fire." He demanded.

Each Destroyer then aimed their cannons, firing across the stars as the X-Wings evade fire and blasts one of the asteroids into oblivion. The cannons kept missing their shot but the admiral persisted. A TIE Interceptor then shoots a tracking missile at Poe's fighter. He then flies toward one of the Star Destroyer, pulling up at the last minute as the missile makes impact with one of the canons, as it explodes. Jacen on the other hand was being chased by a duo of TIE Fighters, but he uses the force on a swarm of asteroids and pulled them towards him, quickly flying downwards as they crash the TIE Fighters into ship debris.

"Jace! I don't think we can hold them off much longer!" Yelled Poe.

"Commander, the bombs are attached." Said Jessika Pava.

"...light it up." Said Jacen.

"Sir, more enemy ships have been spotted." Said the officer, continuing to watch the monitor. "They just appeared sir."

"What do you mean they just appeared?" Asked the admiral.

"Wait, there's something else...oh no." Said the officer, as they see two explosives attached to the generators.

"ABANDON SHIP!" Yelled the admiral but it was too late, the whole control room was covered in flames, killing everyone in its path.

The Star Destroyers were covered in explosions, their ruins covered in flames as they fall towards the nearest planet. The TIE Fighters then found themselves being chased and shot down by more X-Wings, turning off their cloaking shields, finishing the fight. Most of the TIE Fighters manage to retreat, as the Resistance pilots cheer victoriously.

"Our jobs done here, let's go home." Said Poe, as most of the X-Wings jump to lightspeed, heading back to Base. Jacen decided to catch his breath, watching the fireworks. He then senses an asteroid being pushed on impact, drifting towards Poe's Fighter, which was about to jump into lightspeed.

"Poe, look out!" Jacen yelled, but it was too late, the asteroid crashes into the fighter, which quickly crashes into Jacen's fighter. The crushed X-Wing Fighters then drift towards a planet, R2 was screaming as the fighter spins uncontrollably. He could barely see it, but the stars then became covered by clouds, they were entering the atmosphere. He grabs a breathing mask, attaches it to his helmet, and force pushes the cockpit out of the ship. He then pulls the lever and his seat shoots out of the ship, followed by a parachute attached to the seat opening up. R2 manages to slip out of the crushed fighter and opens his own parachute. Jacen then sees Poe's X-Wing, as the pilot along with BB-8 also managed to escape, seeing another pilot seat with a parachute. Jacen could see a whole valley of mountains, with a blinding sunset shining through. As he sees it he begins to black out, the lack of oxygen became too much for him, not knowing where he's landing, he just rests, knowing they've all escaped their impending doom.

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