Chapter XIII: Stealth Mission

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General Hux, followed by a couple of Knight Troopers, walk across the bridge-way, towards the Millenium Falcon on the Landing platform. He sees the Boarding Ramp opened a stormtrooper talking to an officer, and behind them were a bunch of Carbonite Cells hovering horizontally with Resistance fighters trapped inside.

"This Stormtrooper says he stole this exact freighter, and also found these lot of Rebel scum frozen in Carbonite." Informed one of the officers, as Hux takes a good look at all of them.

"Well done, soldier, you have brought prosper to your allegiance." Said Hux, the stormtrooper didn't say anything, he just saluted to his General, nothing more, nothing less. Hux then turns and sees Kylo Ren and his legion of stormtroopers walking across the bridge way as his black cape flows behind him as he walked. Kylo glances at both Hux and the stormtrooper as he takes a look at the ship, and then looks over at the Carbonite cells. Seeing the pilot that destroyed Starkiller Base, the stormtrooper that betrayed the First Order, Skywalker, and a bunch of other Resistance scum. He then looks back at the ship, and turns to the legion of Knight Troopers.

"Put the Rebels in the prison area." Kylo ordered, as he then turns to his legion. "Inspect the ship and destroy it." Kylo ordered, he and Hux then stare in disdain at each other, then Kylo walks back to the facility, the Knight Troopers then push the carbonite cells toward the facility, escorting them to the prison cells. The stormtroopers then walk up the boarding ramp to inspect the ship, just as the Supreme Leader ordered. Hux then walks back to the facility, aware of the sudden victory.

"They have hidden compartments in this ship, we search those first." The stormtrooper informed. The rest of them aimed their blasters incase someone pops out and blasts them to death. He then kneels down to the floor, giving three knocks to the floor. "All good." He said, giving a thumbs up as one of the others folds the floor open, furry arms then pop out, choking him to death. His partner then tries to aim his blaster but he was then shot down by the the one behind the Wookiee. Chewbacca then slams his helmet twice on to the edge of the floor, knocking him out, tossing him out of the compartment. Kaz then takes off his his helmet, and kneels down to the other compartment, as BB-8 ziplines out of the compartment, Chewbacca then climbs out of his compartment to help R2 out of the same compartment.

"Let's hope this plan works." Said Kaz, taking off the stormtrooper armor. BB-8 then quickly scrolls down the ramp, sneaking behind the nearest TIE Fighter.

Kylo walks across the main hallway, seeing two stormtroopers talking to each other, then stood still as their Supreme Leader passed by. Kylo then stops and looks back at them, sensing something off about them. He then continues to makes his way towards his throne room, still figuring out what was off.

Another legion was then headed towards the Falcon to inspect what was going on.

"What do you think is taking so long?" Asked one of them.

"It's a major enemy ship, for all we know there could be treasure." Said the other as they see the Falcon's boarding ramp close. "That wasn't supposed to happen, was it?" He asked, as it then began to take off.

"That's not supposed to happen either!" The other said, as they then shoot at the Falcon as it flies away from the landing platform, and into the sky.

"What are the odds, having the First Order's most wanted delivered to us?" Said one of the Knight Troopers after delivering the carbon cells into the prison area.

"I know, a little too convenient if you ask me." Said the other one. "Think we should get them out and place them into actual cells?"

"Are you crazy?!" Said the other. "They'd escape from us before we'd say prison." He said, but unbeknownst to the both of them, BB-8 quietly strolls towards Jacen's cell, using the controls on the side of his cell to unfreeze him.

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