Chapter XV: The Invasion of Mustafar

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Rey rushes across the hall, chasing Lancion down, lightsaber ignited, ready to strike him down. He quickly turns towards the hall to the right, she raced towards it, turning to the hall, but no one was there, not even at the end of the hall, he somehow disappeared without a trace. Rey, fed up with the Dark Sides trickery, puts her lightsaber in a defensive position, standing her ground, waiting for him to attack.

Jacen sees Rey with her lightsaber, looking around on each side, acting completely paranoid, he didn't like seeing her like this.

"Rey." Said Jacen, as she quickly turns towards him, lightsaber at the ready, breathing heavily out of anger, but then turns it off after seeing who it was. "Rey, it's alright, it's just me." Said Jacen, walking towards her.

"Why did you follow me?" Asked Rey.

"You we're going after someone strong with the Dark Side, why shouldn't I?" Said Jacen.

"I can handle this myself!" Rey shouted

"So I've been told." Said Jacen. "You need to calm down, young one."

"I am calm!" Yelled Rey.

"Behind you." Said Jacen, pointing at someone from behind her, Rey then jabs her lightsaber blade into the chest of a stormtrooper, viciously pushing him to the wall, she pulls the blade out as his body collapses, she takes a deep breath looking at what she's done.

"Okay, I may need to calm down a bit." Said Rey.

"You definitely do." Jacen sighed, they then hear the sound of a lightsaber cutting through a surface from the hall from behind. They rush towards it, and see a giant hole in the ceiling.

Hux looks at the images of the plans, images that dated way back to the days of the Empire, whoever created these was one step ahead. He then steps out of the room, and began to make his way towards his shuttle, just as Ren ordered him.

Finn, Poe, and BB-8 stayed behind the wall on one of the sides of the hall exit, Poe and BB-8 stood behind the other, taking cover from Pyre and his men, both sides of the war both shooting and dodging blaster bolts. Finn then takes a thermal detonator from his belt.

"Always wanted to use one of these." Said Finn, he then presses the button and tosses it. They then run back across the hall, dodging more blaster bolts. Pyre then sees the detonator, and it explodes, sending him flying back against the wall, with his armor protecting him from the impact, as for his men, not so much. Most of the hallway was merely nonexistent, the whole outside was completely exposed, as he then walks to the elevator, he wasn't finished with them yet.

"Kaz, we're gonna need a pick up!" Poe yelled at his commlink as he, Finn, and BB-8 rush across the hall.

"Hang on Poe! We're almost there!" Yelled Kaz's voice. "Things are getting real crazy out here!"

"Just hold on a little longer!" Yelled Poe, as he then sees a TIE Fighter through the window, flying towards them. "Finn, Look Out-!" Yelled Poe, but the hall then explodes, smoke completely blinded he hall, but as it settles, Poe and BB-8 could only see a destroyed TIE Fighter blocking his way. "Finn!" Yelled Poe, looking for his friend who was nowhere to be seen. "Finn!"

"Poe!" Yelled Finn from the other side of the fighter. "Poe, are you okay?!" Finn asked loudly.

"I'm fine!" Yelled Poe. "Just get out while you still can, I'll find a way out!"

"Just hold on, I'll get you out!" Yelled Finn, who takes his staff, hoping to use the magnetic field to raise the ship out of the hall, but he then hears marching from Poe's side.

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