Chapter 33

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Theo's dress, the venue, and Philip's hairstyle. He does not have a beard but the bun will exist. Their song is Can't Help Falling In Love by Elvis Presley. I did tear up while writing, maybe I'm too soft but I loved creating this. Enjoy our beans marriage!!!

I can't believe what is happening. In ten minutes, I am to walk down the aisle with Papa in hand to marry a beautiful man. Madison and Anastasie have helped me prepare for the big day, placing me in front of a mirror. It's three times my size and encaptures everything. My eyes grow huge at the sight of this white angel. She's glorious, stunning and smooth with everything. I touch the cool glass before me in utter awe.

How can I, simple Theodosia, look like a goddess straight from a fairytale? I twist about, touching my hair and bodice with a smile on my face.

"You look like a tall glass of milk," Anastasie says to me with a flirt about her words. I look in the mirror to see small Madison giving her a very confused look.

"The phrase is tall glass of water," Madison says as she helps adjust the crowned veil on my head. "Not milk."

"I know that! I was trying to incorporate the white dress!" Anastasie snaps back.

We are in a room not far from the chapel where we are to be married. Madison and Anastasie continue to bicker over Anastasie's choice of words. Suddenly, I spot a beautiful blue bird soar over the sky through the window. She's carefully driving the winds of the sky. My hair was curled in a bun, signature curls poking out. They could be little wings if I imagined. I let loose an attractive snort.

I look from her to myself in the mirror. I'm like a dove, a bird ready to step into my own world. That blue bird has finally flown from the nest into its own life and I am just like it! From my room in the house and my chair in the den, I am to evolve to so much bigger than that. I'm going to be a Hamilton! A secretary, an author, a wife, a mother maybe! God damn it, I'm going to do something with my life. Philip will forever help me, my partner through it all. We are going to make it, I know we will. My ace will be my ace forever, my lucky card to pull.

Before me in this elongated mirror wasn't just a girl. She was a woman, a wife. Theodosia Burr-Hamilton was going to conquer the world by storm, no doubt about it. A large bell rang, thrumming throughout the chapels and citizens of New York. There came a knock from my changing room door, I nearly fell from my heels.

Anastasie ran to the door, peeking only her eyes out. After a bit of chatter, she thrust the door open. Papa stood, in a tux as dark as night, holding a white rose. I started to tear up. He did too, and he approached me cautiously.

"I did so good, you did so good. My baby, my General, you are the biggest blessing this Earth has provided me with. I would not be the man I am today had your mother not brought you here." He wiped a tear from his cheek. "She, she had always said that you need a rose in your hair. On our wedding day, she had a white rose in her hair. It's, good luck I suppose."

My arms engulf his and I feel tears fall down my cheeks. We both cry, laughing at ourselves. His grip on me is tight. I can not believe life has changed so much, I'm blessed to have him in my life.

"Now," he began, wiping a tear from his eye. I tucked the flower behind my ear. His eyes grew red. "Let's get you married."

Papa held his arm out, and I folded mine against his. We took one last look in the mirror, he told me to remember my final moments as a girl. Anastasie rushed to reapply the blood colored lipstick of hers. The two fled from my changing room and left Papa with me. He caressed my hand lightly as we walked slowly.

The hallway felt impossibly long, everything seemed to try and prevent this marriage. Papa went behind me on the staircase to hold my train.

The music ahead indicated the bridesmaids were walking. I heard the heavy keys of the piano to announce my song. I gasped as I left the little area where Philip and I prepared. Beautiful lights strung about the sides of the walls. People all standing along the seats with smiles on their faces. The Hamilton children all were holding a white sheet with lights stapled into it. William had Eliza Jr. on his shoulders to hold it. I wanted to kiss every cheek for their kindness. Papa held his arm out again, this was seriously happening.

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