Chapter 25

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"Married!" John's eyes widened and he stared in utter disbelief. "When?"

"The 1st, right after the ball dropped." I smile politely, though my insides turn at him gawking over the relationship like it's a clown exhibit.

"You actually married him?"

"Philip is a wonderful man, believe it or not. He's polite, respectful, funny, and amazing to be around." I say, offended by him statement. "Though his last name is Hamilton, we shouldn't be judged by the letters that make up our name now should we?"

"We shan't." He looks at me flirtatiously, grabbing my hand and pulling me closer. I noticed a black ear piece in his ear.

"What is that?" I ask, he freezes for a brief moment, before relaxing again.

"It's to cover stitches from when I was little. I cracked my head and it looks nasty so my father suggest this ear fashion to cover it."

"I suppose hair could do that as well?" I cock an eyebrow, and take a step closer. I almost forget Madison is standing to the side. She begins to race somewhere else, but I ignore her and focus on the conversation. As I lean closer, I hear faint words from his ear.

"Tell her she's smart!"

"I guess it could. You are clever, Theodosia." John winks.

"I like to think so." I give a smile. "Tell me, John Payne, who's your father?"

"Don't blow this John! Say, ' Madison. James Madison. But we shouldn't be judged by the letters that make up our name now should we?"  The stern voice says.

"Madison. James Madison. But we shouldn't be judged by the letters that make up our name now should we?" He repeated and smirked.

I lean in forward and take the ear piece off his ear, spotting a cord follow. He gasps as I speak into the piece. "Ah, well, you can tell Mr. Madison I'm not falling for you or your little trick. I'm much smarter than that and frankly it was quite a pathetic trick of yours, if you ask me. So why don't you take your weird, twisted plan to make me leave Philip, to someone who actually cares. Good day and good bye." I drop it in snow, and turn to see Philip gaping with Madison peeking from his side. I immediately realize the situation.

"Philip- it isn't what it looks like!" I try to assure but he holds a hand up.

"You were just, like a detective!" He squeals, running to me and encasing me in his grasp. After hugging me he turns to John Payne Todd, looking mortified.

"H-how did you know?" He asks, his voice cracking. I struggle to hold in a snort.

I held up a finger. "No one randomly knows about my relationship, especially when you claimed you are newer to this area." I hold up a second. "I noticed the ear piece." Third finger. "You tensed when I asked about it." Fourth. "I heard a small voice say something, in which you repeated." Fifth finger. "You immediately went flirty mood. Put two and two together and boom. You have the story figured out successfully. My only question is why Madison's kid is targeting me and Philip?"

"I'm not targeting you. I'm trying to find Madison Hemming. Thomas Jefferson wants her home, and I was sent to find her. I was given information for everyone associating with her. I knew he hated Philip, so I thought maybe breaking you up could help me find Madison." He rubs his arm.

"That is ridiculous and completely fake!" I shout, wagging my pointer finger.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW?" John asks with a wild look. "Are you some sort of witch?"

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